Bridget Mason is an agent with the ODNI.
That stands for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. In explanation of who they are, their website states: "Our mission is to lead intelligence integration and forge an intelligence community that delivers the most insightful intelligence possible". It goes on to explain "The core mission of the ODNI is to lead the IC in intelligence integration, forging a community that delivers the most insightful intelligence possible. ODNI's National Centers integrate and coordinate the activities of the entire IC, or in some cases,
broader U.S. Government in the IC's major mission areas: counterterrorism, cybersecurity, counterproliferation and counterintelligence".
Mason holds the rank of Major in the U.S. Army having come to the ODNI from working for some time in the DIA.
She is by nature not a trusting individual. "She never took anything on faith", we are told and one of her long held tenets preached to her by her father was 'Always check the truth you are given". That at times puts her at odds with her colleagues and especially her superiors because she wants the truth, not just convenient non-wave-making stories. More than once she has been told to drop a matter or bury it. She takes the orders under advisement.
An interesting tidbit is the corollary to the Army's training instructions about encountering snakes in the field and what to do with them is the 'Bridget Mason' rule: Assume she is dangerous and leave her alone.
Having someone as determined and dangerous as Mason will be vital when the strangeness of the two main adventures is encountered.