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Full Name: Jack Malaney
Series Name: The Seaforth Files
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Nicholas Clark
Time Span: 2013 - 2018


Jack Malaney is an agent with MI6.

The first time we meet him, he isn't. He is an engineer onboard a Russian fishing trawler in the North Atlantic. Rather a strange occupation for a Scotsman but unique enough to be interesting. An act of heroism in saving a Russian crewman of another nearby vessel who had fallen overboard, or an act of suicidal stupidity to ask any of the other Russians on the ship, would bring a meeting with the female captain of that vessel and that encounter would lead to a whole new line of work.

I especially enjoyed the brief repartee between the MI-6 recruiter and Malaney as when asked by the recruiter how Malaney would feel about serving his country, Malaney asked back, "You want me to play for Scotland? It's always been a dream of mine to play for my country, but I don't know that my knees could stick the abuse". That shows the kind of humor that Malaney routinely demonstrates, though the recruiter in this case was less than thrilled with it.

Malaney had joined the Russian supply vessel in order to get away from the poverty and hopelessness that he had experienced in the tenement home he grew up at in Glasgow, not to mention the trouble he routinely found himself in as a young man. It would be that job, working as an engineer on the engines of that fishing ship, that Malaney will be offered a position with MI6. It all took place in the last years of the Soviet Union and the British interests in what the Russian fishing fleet was doing around the western Scottish coast that would prompt MI6 to ask Malaney to return to his position on the ship and take up spying on it for them.

His new career will take off from there.

Good Lines:
- When asked if he knew what Britain's Secret Service was, a police friend of Malaney answers, "A bunch of public schoolboys pissing around with real people's live."


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2018

1 The Baltic Triangle The Baltic Triangle
Written by Nicholas Clark
Copyright: 2013

This volume describes how Scotsman Jack Malaney is recruited by MI-6 and how his first two missions went. The first has this former North Atlantic fisherman turned engineer on a Russian trawler spying on the Russian trawler fleet, some of which are thought to be submarine suppliers.

2 Deadly States Deadly States
Written by Nicholas Clark
Copyright: 2013

The IRA is sending a group of its agents to South Africa to learn how to make the switch from terrorism to commerce. It is the 1990's and Jack Malaney is put undercover in that African nation as the head of an engineering company to spy on them as well as keep an eye out for other IRA members who are not liking this new pacifist attitude.
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3 Angels of Deceit Angels of Deceit
Written by Nicholas Clark
Copyright: 2014

After decades of putting his life on the line for his country, Jack Malaney is stunned to learn that many years before during a tryst with a Soviet agent, a daughter was created and she had become a formidable agent just like her mother. To reach her, he needs the help of a former KGB agent but, of course, that favor comes with its own cost, this one being to help take down an international organization with tendrils in countries all over the world.
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4 Target Alpha Black Swan Target Alpha Black Swan
Written by Nicholas Clark
Copyright: 2018

After decades of putting his life on the line for his country, Jack Malaney is stunned to learn that many years before during a tryst with a Soviet agent, a daughter was created and she had become a formidable agent just like her mother. To reach her, he needs the help of a former KGB agent but, of course, that favor comes with its own cost, this one being to help take down an international organization with tendrils in countries all over the world.
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5 MV Edazeen MV Edazeen
Written by Nicholas Clark
Copyright: 2016

"Jack Malaney, after spending decades serving in the duty for MI6, settled in nicely at the Italian South.
As the prime illegal immigration hotspot of Europe, thanks to the hundreds of refugees reaching shore on a daily basis, it is the perfect testing ground for Jack’s new superiors, the EU INTCEN. The small supra-national agency is the first testing lab for elevating the intelligence services above the nation state, paving the way for a future of mutual trust and cooperation against the threats coming from outside of Europe. But the concept is still far away from becoming reality, and it’s not an easy task to navigate his own small team, Kieran, the Irish IT specialist, Ryan, who doubles as a Coast Guard spec ops, and Suzi, the diplomacy expert, who is trying to keep the information flow with all the national and international contacts intact, sometimes being more creative in her networking efforts than her office would ever dare to imagine."
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From the first time I met the character of Jack Malaney, I liked him. I liked his decency and his honesty and also his sassy, somewhat insolent response to authority, especially when pompous. I was pleased to see that none of that really changed as he moved from being a deckhand on a supply ship to being a covert operative working for Her Majesty's government.

The writing is really smooth and fast, moving the storyline along quickly but still letting the reader (well, me at least) taste the salt air and feel the danger.


My Grade: B+


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