Seth Rogan is a biologist.
"Some were calling him a traitor. The president of the United States said he was wanted for 'espionage' and 'aiding our enemies'. Somewhere between his good intentions and unselfish acts he had become the 'bad guy'. Espionage was always something that Seth had read about in novels or watched in the movies. He had never experienced it in real life. Until now. He didn't feel like James Bond. He knew he couldn't step off this Aeroflot nonstop flight from Washington to Moscow clean shaven, shoot ten bad guys who were on his tail, and then relax in bed with a beautiful female Russian spy, sipping on a vodka martini, shaken not stirred."
From the opening pages of the first recorded adventure, we have Rogan, a 44-year-old highly experience and once respected genetic biologist who had a great job with a great salary and great perks working for the largest biotech company in the world. Then when he was testing, as directed, some of the company's genetically engineered (aka GMO) foods, he uncovered something he was not supposed to. When he would not play ball and stay mum, he found that money talked and suddenly the FBI and the CIA and all the other alphabets were wanting his hide for reasons that were never really explained.
So he needed a safe haven and that meant turning to a country who was not afraid of the U.S. and had enough muscle to back that up. and he chose Russia. Of course nothing comes for free and Russia wanted something in return and so Rogan who was never cut out to be a spy or agent or operative or whatever you wanted to call it, suddenly and involuntarily, became one.
Good Line:
- Very true moral from the end of the first adventure: "You can't kill a snake unless you cut off the head."