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Full Name: Tessa Scott
Nationality: American
Organization: Enigma
Occupation Part-Time Agent

Creator: Tierney James
Time Span: 2013 - 2023


Tessa Scott is a part-time agent with Enigma.

That organization is a highly hush-hush part of the American intelligence community. Exactly what the size of the department is remains a mystery but it seems to answer to the President, a man who considers the organization to be a vital weapon in the on-going war against terrorism and someone who has the greatest confidence in it and in several of its key personnel.

Scott did not plan on becoming an occasional agent. She would have just stared at you if you had suggested it. Even after her relationship with the group began, she was not exactly pleased with how it all began. After the second or third "mission" is thrust upon her, she cannot say honestly that she is particularly thrilled.

Scott is a stay-at-home mom very happily married to Richard and taking care of their three children, Sean Patrick, Bub, and Heather. She is an extremely bright woman with impressive skills of observation and logic and a fun set of extracurricular skills picked up here and there during her life. If life has dictated she stay out of the cloak and dagger world where people are shooting at her, thrusting knives at her, punching and kicking her, and occasionally trying to blow her up, that would have been just fine.

It is the blowing her up part that got her involved with Enigma in the first place. A rather grumpy next-door neighbor had a secret involvement with a terrorist band and had hidden in her garden a very nasty, albeit small, bomb to hide from them. He had thought she was out of town with her family on a vacation and it would be safe. She was not gone, however, having had a small spat with hubby over how easy her end of the partnership was and how he could take care of the kids easy and then taken her challenge to prove it and he and the kids were gone and she was free for a week to do some relaxing and some remodeling of the house.

Relaxing? Not in the least. Remodeling? Definitely needed afterwards.

That adventure was the end of her involvement with that whole side of things. She was certain it was. It wasn't.


Number of Books:9
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2023

1 An Unlikely Hero An Unlikely Hero
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2013

To Tessa Scott, life could not get much better. She lives in a big house with three adorable children and a successful husband. When the husband and children go on a vacation, she has a week of peace and quiet. Then she finds a bomb in her backyard. Then the terrorists who lost it come looking for it. Then the operative after the terrorists enters her life.
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2 Winds Of Deception Winds Of Deception
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2015

When Tessa Scott comes to the nation's capitol, she is asked by Enigma for some help. They had discovered that there was a conspiracy to assassinate both the U.S. and Israeli Presidents during a visit and they want her help in stopping it. That would be dangerous enough without the hurricane heading their way.
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3 Rooftop Angels Rooftop Angels
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2016

Tessa Scott woke in a dingy hut in Afghanistan. She has blood on her hands. She has a half dozen orphan girls under her protection. She has an Undersecretary of State looking to her for the same. She has no memory of any of it.
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4 Kifaru Kifaru
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2017

A skiing trip to Squaw Valley was just the thing for Tessa Scott and her children. Fun and exercise and no chance of danger. Then she notices a car following theirs. Why is she being tailed? And why is the man she asks for help from at a convenience store now looking more dangerous than the trailing car?
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5 Black Mamba Black Mamba
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2018

Looking forward to a great adventure on a photographic safari to Africa, Tessa Scott heads to Botswana. She does not like all that she finds, though, which includes a dictator willing to do anything to keep power and a black mamba left to keep her from asking more questions. She decides to appeal to Enigma for help.
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6 The Knight Before Chaos The Knight Before Chaos
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2019

What Captain Hunter of Enigma would find out when he volunteered to watch Tessa Scott's children as she headed out of town to pick up her folks was that there was a lot of similarity between kids and domestic terrorists. Not to mention having to deal with some brains-deprived burglars.
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7 Invisible Goodbye Invisible Goodbye
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2020

"On a calm moonless night , a Singapore airliner carrying several hundred passengers, including twenty of America's top scientists and engineers, disappears over the Indian Ocean without a trace. Then one day an Enigma agent hiking through the Siberian forests of Russia, finds one of the scientists...alive. Petrov hates Enigma, the secret intelligence organization that nearly destroyed his life, but duty drives him to inform the US Government he has located the missing scientists. Time is running out to orchestrate a rescue mission and destroy the technology given to the Russians."
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8 Martyrs Never Die Martyrs Never Die
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2022

"Designated to protect the next King of Saudi Arabia, Tessa Scott never imagined how things could go sideways. For the first time since Tessa joined Enigma, her mettle is tested when an attempt is made on the prince’s life. Now a devoted admirer, the prince forces Captain Hunter to confess his true feelings for her before he misses another opportunity. When the captain disappears in Syria, Tessa decides it’s her turn to bring him home. With the help of two agents known for their love of mayhem and shoot-first mentality, they concoct a plan of rescue and revenge."
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9 The Hemlock Switch The Hemlock Switch
Written by Tierney James
Copyright: 2023

"Together Tessa and Captain Hunter finally cast fate to the wind and start a life together. While on their honeymoon, flood waters separate them until a stranger comes to the rescue. When the captain discovers he owes his life to a former enemy, he is forced to use Tessa to lure him into being captured. Two hitmen are cornered, but killed by a mysterious poison before they can be interrogated about the global risk. Captain Hunter knows who is stalking him for elimination as he nears one step closer to taking down the most dangerous man alive. With Tessa in the clutches of a sociopath, he has to choose whether to make the world a safer place to live or pull his wife from the jaws of death."
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I am a sucker for light-hearted spy adventures, especially when they are as well written as this one is. Do not get me wrong about this series not having a ton of excitement and suspense and loads of danger because it does. It just does not drag the reader down emotionally while presenting all the turmoil that Tessa Scott faces.

Scott is a darling. Captain Hunter is a hunk and should be with Scott on a closer basis though there is her husband Robert to consider though I think the author could easily write in an unfortunate accident. Just saying!


My Grade: B+


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