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Full Name: Biff Roberts
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: R. Lawson
Time Span: 2013 - 2020


Biff Roberts is an agent with the CIA.

First off, Biff is not his given name. If it had been, someone might have needed to talk to his parents. Such a talk might still be called for because his real name is Buford Cavendish Roberts V. No wonder he was happy to go with Biff.

He is an extremely experienced operative, one who is held in considerable respect by his peers and his superiors. That degree of acceptance was earned "after forty some years as a CIA field officer under diplomatic cover. He'd had enjoyed a distinguished career dating back to the ill-fated Bay of Pigs operation in '61, the only blot on his record. Since then it had been a success story, a solid string of accomplishments. Many considered him the CIA equivalent of a 'rock star'. Unfortunately, his 'cover' had not been a well kept secret since his stint in Vietnam in the mid-sixties. Nevertheless, he continued to play 'spy games'. He'd never retire. He loved every minute of his job. And, he had moved a long way up the ladder. Biff aspired to the rank of director, then the DCI. He was 'a driven man', some said."

Many such driven men have little else in their lives but not so with Roberts. He has been very happily married for 30 years to Mary Beth and the devotion they have for each other has only increased over the years. He has two children grown or nearly so; a son named Boo who is a student in a prep school, and a daughter named Caroline attending ASU as the star pitcher on the Women's Softball team.

Other pieces of information of some interest include the fact that "his colleagues admired him. The 'rain maker', 'mover and shaker', the 'real deal" were appellations accorded him good naturedly. Biff's signature grin, characteristic of his inherent good nature, and stellar performance record assured him of being universally held in high regard. Once one became acquainted with his accomplishments, and him personally, they could not help but be impressed."

All this makes him sound like a jovial, good-natured, even-tempered individual, not someone who would be a real threat if cornered or pressured. That is most definitely NOT the case. In the recorded adventures that we have of him, he shows over and over that a man of his experience, even considering his age, is not someone to mess with. Especially if his family is threatened.


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2020

1 Cabo Caper Cabo Caper
Written by R. Lawson
Copyright: 2013

Biff Roberts and his family knew they needed a vacation so they took one in Cabo San Lucas. It didn't go as planned when his son is kidnapped, making Roberts make use of his considerable training.
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2 Killing Time Killing Time
Written by R. Lawson
Copyright: 2013

Working with Mossad, CIA operative Biff Roberts uses a two-prong approach to fighting Iran's nuclear weapon plans. First they use cyberwarfare to some impressive success. The second part is targeting key nuclear scientists for assassination. When Iran starts recipricating, things get messy.
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3 Retribution Retribution
Written by R. Lawson
Copyright: 2013

With both sides targeting key people for assassinations in the strife between the U.S. and Iran, Biff Roberts learns that one of the CIA's double agents in the Revolutionary Guard is in danger and he must sneak into Tehran to get him out.
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4 Existential Threats Existential Threats
Written by R. Lawson
Copyright: 2015

Biff Roberts was badly wounded by a sniper attack from an unknown source. He had not recovered much when he is tasked with eliminating the "White Widow", the jihadist linked to an a attack in Nairobi that killed Kenyans and Americans.
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5 The Carrington Prophecy The Carrington Prophecy
Written by R. Lawson
Copyright: 2015

Intel comes in that some country, possibly North Korea, is planning a nuclear attack in America to create a Carrington Event whose electromagnectic pulse waves would cripple the U.S. electrical systems, including the power grids.
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6 Zachor Zachor
Written by R. Lawson
Copyright: 2020

"Biff Roberts is suffering a crisis of confidence. A career of harrowing covert ops has taken its stressful toll. The CIA cannot afford to have him burn out, nor can his wife.
He heads to Israel as a vacation destination for some greatly needed R&R, much to the chagrin of his doctors and colleagues.
He and his Mossad counterpart, Phillipe Andros, immediately become embroiled in a complex international plot when they are forced to assassinate two Palestinian terrorist bombers in a Tel Aviv restaurant."
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It is petty of me, I know it and cannot help myself, that I got a big kick out of a spy-fi character with the name of Biff. And he has a son whose nickname is 'Boo'. I love it!

I was a tad confused right at the beginning by a reference to an adventure which had taken place a little before the first recorded tale, a matter of Biff's daughter's boyfriend having "mysteriously disappeared" and Biff having "remarkably recovered him with the help of the FBI after a series of bizarre twists and turns". The way that was written says to me there is a previous story out there but try as I have, I cannot find any other reference.

These are easy-to-read stories with a nice set of characters and some interesting plotlines.


My Grade: B-


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