Kylie Cain is an agent with the PSI.
That acronym stands for Psychic Sensory Intelligence and represents a little known black ops branch of the American Intelligence community, connected to the CIA, which uses extrasensory abilities in the defense of the security of the country. It works to both gather intel on what other nations and groups are up to as well as fight to stop them from learning about America's plans.
Cain is an audial telepath - a person who can hear conversations miles away. That qualifies her for membership in this group of psychics and provides a powerful weapon to be used on her assignments. That alone, though, is not enough to be an agent since that gift cannot stop fists and knives and bullets from inflicting deadly damage while on a mission. As a result, this beautiful young woman has had the same training every other CIA field operative would have and has proven herself capable of survival in the non-psychic world as well.
Having been an agent for some time, Cain has learned who to trust and who not to, and the former list is a whole lot shorter than the latter. For that reason, she has created numerous bolt holes around the world in case things go badly, including a very nice home in the Maldives she is certain no one else knows about. She has bank accounts in numerous spots as well to have ready cash if disappearing becomes necessary. One problem with such precautions, she knows, is that keeping secrets in an agency of psychics is really tough to do. But having these safeguards is vital because with these powers comes terrible temptations to take advantage of them and a friend today could be an adversary tomorrow. Not to mention a whole lot of people without these powers who are extremely untrusting and nervous about those that do.
Which for Cain means having some folks she trusts and quite a few she does not and who do not particularly trust her.