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Full Name: Hayden Stone
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Arthur Kerns
Time Span: 2013 - 2016


Hayden Stone is an agent with the CIA.

The fact that such a statement might be true would have made him laugh, if not growl, for many years. When we first meet him, the statement is making his CIA handler, Claudia, do the growling. The problem is that Stone has for many years been a Special Agent for the FBI until his recent retirement. To some people, like his new handler who has been ordered to make use of him, that is working with the enemy. Forget the 'other side'. The FBI and the CIA are not friends.

Nevertheless, Stone is now at loose ends. He was retired but not that old in his opinion. His marriage has ended because his wife decided he no longer fit into her career plans (she would go on to become an FBI SAC out in LA). His two grown children were on the West Coast in college and on their own. He needed a new direction.

The CIA, at the same time, had just had an agent killed in the south of France. Since it seemed obvious that he was eliminated because someone knew he was an agent, what was needed was someone working for them who could investigate the murder, like a detective such as Stone, and someone not part of the Agency officially who would be an unknown, again such as Stone. Stone also seemed like a good idea because he was not just a cop, as important as that was, but also someone who had extensive knowledge in counter-terrorism, having just come back from a grueling deployment in Afghanistan (this adventure takes place shortly after the Towers fell).

It would be the start of a new and exciting career for Stone, if he can survive.

Good Line:
- regarding a woman's sister-in-law when it is said she could be difficult, the woman corrected, "No, my dear. She is a Russian bitch." Ouch!
- When it is pointed out that Stone always referred to his former spouse as his ex-wife and never by name, Stone comments, "I noticed that, too."


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2016

1 The Riviera Contract The Riviera Contract
Written by Arthur Kerns
Copyright: 2013

Thinking his latest assignment to the south of France was going to be a cakewalk after the last job in Afghanistan, Hayden Stone is in for a rude surprise when two different terrorists have a go at killing him. That is the preamble to learning about a major terrorist leader's plan to bring into the U.S. a strain of Ebola.
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2 The African Contract The African Contract
Written by Arthur Kerns
Copyright: 2014

Weapons are sold all the time and bad people get their hands on bad items constantly. Sometimes, though, the weapon is so dangerous and the would-be buyers so unpleasant that something has to be done. This is one of those times and Hayden Stone is the man given the job to stop the transaction but there are a lot of different fingers stirring a very messy pot.
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3 The Yemen Contract The Yemen Contract
Written by Arthur Kerns
Copyright: 2016

The warlord and terrorist Abdul Wahab has a plan to take control of the government of Yemen but he knows that when he does, Hayden Stone will do his best to stop him. For that reason, Wahab kidnaps Stone's CIA partner, Sandra, as bait for a nasty trap.
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This series has three very solid, very enjoyable adventures to it. I liked all three and would gladly have read more if the author had elected to craft more.

I am a fan of the main character, Hayden Stone, but even more so of his much-put-upon (in my opinion and I believe hers as well) CIA partner, Sandra Harrington.

And then there is the luscious and ever interesting Lucinda. All good spy heroes need a Lucinda in their past, or in Stone's case, his past and his present. She really makes surviving a harrowing adventure worthwhile.


My Grade: B+


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