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Full Name: Lana Elkins
Nationality: American
Organization: NSA
Occupation Other - Cyber-Security Expert

Creator: Thomas Waite
Time Span: 2014 - 2016


Lana Elkins is a cybersecurity expert.

When we first meet her, she is the head of her own company, CyberFortress, which must be doing pretty well because it employed around 250 people and had a nice headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland.

She spent ten very productive years as a "cyberspy" at the National Security Agency before going to the private sector. There she would gather more contacts and experience before starting her company. This puts Elkins as likely in her mid-40's based on her experiences, college and then the decade at the NSA followed by a couple years working for someone else and then her own firm. Add to that the fact she has a 14-year old daughter, Emma.

Elkins is a single parent with the absent father being described as "neither wholesome nor present, having fled for good as Emma entered toddlerhood". Her description is based on her daughter have a "sharp likeness to her attractive mother" and Emma being described as having long, black hair, fair skin, and freckles sprinkled across her nose.

CyberFortress, via Elkins' contacts and through its successes, has become an important part in the fight against cyberattacks. Government contracts make up a lot of the firm's income and her periodic analysis of government and private sector vulnerability is regular reading by those in charge, though to her dismay and annoyance, not enough was done in response.

In the various adventures we can follow her on, she will be spearhead counter-attacks against a variety of highly dangerous and resourceful opponents, many nearly as savvy as she and willing to kill at any moment.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2016

1 Lethal Code Lethal Code
Written by Thomas Waite
Copyright: 2014

When terrorists attack America's power grid system and bring it down, they follow up with an impossible set of demands. NSA looks to one of its best cyber-security people, Lana Elkins, now head of her own company, to come spearhead the defense. At the same time, jihadists have hijacked a bus of kids, one of them hers, and transporting them, along with a nuclear bomb, to a major city.
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2 Trident Code Trident Code
Written by Thomas Waite
Copyright: 2015

Cyberhackers have taken control of a U.S. nuclear submarine and is planning on launching its weaponry on a target that no one would have suspected but which could mean disaster for the whole planet. Lana Elkins is asked to help stop them and to do so she must work with a computer genius who may or may not be her side.
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3 Unholy Code Unholy Code
Written by Thomas Waite
Copyright: 2016

Lana Elkins is fighting attacks by extremists both foreign and domestic when her problems get a lot closer to home. A Sudanese refugee is very unhappy to learn his nephew has started dating Elkins daughter and feels eliminating the whole Elkin family is the answer.
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Being a computer programmer, though never having had the inclination nor the skillset to be a hacker, I love any spy series in which computer geeks play a part. I especially love it when there is some semblance of reality involved (I hate it when with a few keystrokes, the hacker has broken through DoD's firewalls). I get that reality and then some with this series.

I would love to see this character turned into a movie or television hero though there would be the worry that how interesting her brain is and it really is a lot, it would be dumbed down and that should never happen. She is too sharp.


My Grade: B+


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