midway_mark_bk_m3 midway_mark_bk_m1 midway_mark_bk_m2 midway_mark_bk_m4
Full Name: Mark Midway
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Genetic Experiment

Creator: John Hindmarsh
Time Span: 2013 - 2014


Mark Midway is a genetic experiment.

That really is not a profession, of course. It is an origin as well as a state of being and it fits Midway. Since he is no even close yet to being an adult, at least according to the calendar, occupation is his concern.

He is in actual years age 12 but "his physical appearance and mental age are twice that". He was found, or rescued, at age 6 and brought to the Lifelong complex where he was "adopted" by a couple and spent the next six years there. During that time his tutoring was intensive and he proved that he could handle whatever was handed him.

Six years of daily instruction with the widely disparate fields of study and not much time allowed for being anything normal has instilled in Midway two things. The first is far more knowledge on an incredible range of subjects. The second is an intense desire to be 'normal' which will prove to be difficult because Midway really has no idea what normal is. He just knows beyond any doubt that he does not have it nor has he ever, and he fears he never will.

Then came the invasion of the facility by agents of a very unpleasant secret organization known as Cerberus which wanted the research and him and would kill without hesitation to achieve both. They had not reckoned on how sharp Midway had become and while they were able to lay waste to the compound, they could not catch him.

Now he on the run and while it becomes obvious to Midway that Cerberus will do anything to get him and others like him, Cerberus quickly learns that Midway is not just a freak experiment - he can be when pushed a force to be reckoned with.

And then there will be his sister that he learns about and who will join him. She too is nothing to take lightly.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2014

1 Mark One Mark One
Written by John Hindmarsh
Copyright: 2013

From the age of 6, Mark Midway had lived in the laboratory complex. It was home. Now it is being invaded by nine men with the mission to snatch him. Four CIA agents are leading them, using a small drone to see by. Soon seven of the nine will be dead. After that so too the agents. Midway wants only to survive and he knows to do that he must flee. The FBI starts after him and he flees more. Then the organization Cerberus starts its pursuit. He will not hesitate anymore. He will will to survive.
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2 Mark Two Mark Two
Written by John Hindmarsh
Copyright: 2014

Cerberus is a powerful organization. It has its tendrils in the FBI, the US military, and many other government departments. It wants Mark Midway and no one, not the Special Agent seeking him or the mysterious Archimedes Schmidt, will stop them now. Except maybe Midway who knows how to survive.
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3 Mark Three Mark Three
Written by John Hindmarsh
Copyright: 2014

As Cerebus seeks to shrug off the attacks against it from all sides and continues its pursuit of Mark Midway, he meets a sister and they travel to London to find and rescue three more genetically enhanced children.
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4 Mark Four Mark Four
Written by John Hindmarsh
Copyright: 2014

The list of those wanting to capture Mark Midway because of his genetic alterations seem to be growing. Cerberus is still the leading organization but terrorists are in the group as are agents from the NSA. And then there are the Saudi's. Midway's chances for survival seem terribly low.
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I was not sure, when I first entered this series into the compendium, whether to mark it as an adult or a young adult series. I finally landed on the former but would not argue the other way with anyone. My decision came because of the level of violence and the degree to which the bad guys will go to get what they want and the extent that Mark Midway is forced to go to stop them.

I enjoyed this series. It was a very fast read with the action coming constantly at poor Midway and thus the reader. This is definitely a continuing story and while the fourth book brings the story to an end, there is no doubt the adventure could continue and there were plans for that with a fifth book expected 'soon' but since that was several years ago, I don't think it will come.


My Grade: B


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