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Full Name: Ryan Lane
Series Name: The Alpha Spy
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Student

Creator: T. K. Kennedy
Time Span: 2013 - 2017


Ryan Lane is a college student.

A freshman, in fact, when we first meet him. Heading back to the campus of Stanford University. A good one, too, and proud of it. Proud as well of his other skills such as his love of motorbike racing as we learn the minute we meet him for the first time. Taking part in a race to go to the National Championship and going up against a guy who had no heartburn with dealing his opponents serious harm in order to win. Lane has no similar emotion but does have a determination to win, which, interestingly, he inherited from his mother who was the one that taught him how to race.

We learn in those opening words how Lane was raised on a beautiful parcel of land on backs of the Potomac River - 100 acres which had to have cost a penny or three. We also learn shortly thereafter that his brother is an FBI agent and that fact will play a huge part in changing the life of Lane. As will young Lane's insatiable curiosity and his penchant for looking further and deeper than most people would. It is what would put him into harm's way on several occasions and make his adventures a lot of fun to follow.

And the locations where that curiousity will become apparent get more impressive as the months pass. In the second adventure we find Lane working as an intern at the White House. It is only a summer gig but a couple months is plenty of time for Lane to get interested in something and thus stick his nose into places that will get the rest of him in trouble. Then it is back to Stanford and a new adventure before landing at the CIA headquarters.

His reason for showing at Langley is to visit his father, a scientist and engineer working for the Agency. Once there, though, his skillset and his young age make him the perfect tool to be used by the Director. As his growing dossier indicates, this reigning NCAA motocross champion with the reported athletic build is quite impressive as it lists him as 'brilliant' and 'genius'.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2017

1 Stars & Stripes Stars & Stripes
Written by T. K. Kennedy
Copyright: 2013

Ryan Lane is a college freshman heading back to school when he accidentally grabs his older brother's duffel. No big deal. Simple mistake. Problem is, though, his brother is an FBI agent investigating the murder by poisoning of the VP and he has uncovered some intel many people would kill to keep hidden and it may lie in that bag and Lane may have seen it so Lane must disappear along with the contents.
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2 The Intern The Intern
Written by T. K. Kennedy
Copyright: 2013

As expected, college student Ryan Lane is thrilled to get a position as a White House intern. He is less so to find a hidden recording made two days after Kennedy's assassination containing information a group of people have been keeping secret about for a half century. When they find out he has found it, he is suddenly wanted for murder and up to his neck in a conspiracy that is likely to end with his death, all to hide who killed JFK.
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3 Alpha Bravo Alpha Bravo
Written by T. K. Kennedy
Copyright: 2014

Stanford University holds a secret. On that campus is a diary of a long dead U.S. Senator. It contains a lot of secret information. Three people have read its contents. Two of those people have since been murdered. The remaining reader is Ryan Lane. He is likely next.
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4 Alpha Zulu Alpha Zulu
Written by T. K. Kennedy
Copyright: 2017

On the death of J. Edgar Hoover, his secretary snuck out of the FBI Building a wooden puzzle box. For many decades she has kept it hidden. Now it has come into the hands of collect student Ryan Lane and, after many attempts at solving it, he has finally managed to open the box. What he finds inside shocks him and will stun the world. Meanwhile someone has decided to bring back a plan by Adolf Hitler which will mean death to millions.
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Following the adventures of Ryan Lane is a lot of fun. Actually following him, though, would be extremely dangerous because it seems a lot of people are already keeping tabs on him and some want him dead - a lot. So being anywhere close to him would seem somewhat suicidal.

I enjoyed the fact that we start off which a seemingly normal, albeit gifted and talented, college student and watch how his observation skills and his natural inquisitiveness get him involved in a variety of cloak and dagger events.

Not sure why the author quit when he did but at least we got four enjoyable adventures.


My Grade: B+


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