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Full Name: Danny Quigley
Nationality: British
Organization: MI5
Occupation Agent

Creator: E. J. McDevitt
Time Span: 2012 - 2013


Danny Quigley is an agent with MI-5.

Not really. Well, sometimes. Other times he is on his own doing what he sees as needed and what he does best which is bring mayhem and agony to those he feels deserve it. When he is not actually working under the aegis of a British Intelligence organization or, as he was for many years some time back, the Special Air Squadron, he still finds plenty of trouble to take care on his own or at the behest of an old friend or two.

When we first meet him, he is a civilian working in the financial services. He had really wanted to stay in the SAS but with a wife and a daughter to support, he listen to his mate, got out, and found a job that paid a whole lot better. It came nowhere near enough to satisfy the action-lover in him but families cost money and no matter what kind of hazard-duty pay one gets, it never is enough.

Quigley is of Irish descent but he was raised from the age of 8 in Wales. He had joined the military as soon as he was old enough and it had become his chosen career, remaining so long after his marriage and the birth of his girl. When he got out, as mentioned above, he found it difficult to find work that fit him or that he fit. He realized early on in the interview process that most of his SAS counter-terrorism training did not transfer well to the private sector. He did, on one meeting, translate his taking out a terrorist as a sniper from nearly a mile off as having been "given the task of terminating someone's employment, because they had been contravening safety regulations".


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2013

1 The Quigley Alchemy The Quigley Alchemy
Written by E. J. McDevitt
Copyright: 2012

Danny Quiqley is struggling in the civilian world when an MI-5 agent asks him to perform one last job; eliminate a pesky Northern Ireland politician. The agent would not take no for an answer and snatched Quiqley's wife and child as leverage.
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2 The Quigley Mission The Quigley Mission
Written by E. J. McDevitt
Copyright: 2012

Quigley is spending time searching the toughest bars in London looking for some SAS colleagues who were starting to vanish after returning from a mission. Also on the trail is a young reported named Jacky who is looking into a story about ex-SpecOps people and mercenaries. What they both find is an unpleasant connection between the CIA and a powerful security firm.
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3 The Quigley Rescue The Quigley Rescue
Written by E. J. McDevitt
Copyright: 2012

Still trying to find a place for himself in the civilian world, Danny Quigley jumps on the chance for something different when he receives a message from an old friend he was sure was dead, asking for hlep. He flies to British Columbia to look into this and comes up against a killer in league with a rogue CIA operative. The killer has a particular hatred for the SAS.
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4 The Quigley Challenge The Quigley Challenge
Written by E. J. McDevitt
Copyright: 2013

The Islamic terror group Boko Haram is attacking Christian churches all over northern Nigeria. A pastor at one church learns of an upcoming attack on his facility but his Bishop does not believe him. Looking for help, he appeals to his brother Scotty who puts together a team of ex-SAS personnel to help out. Danny Quigley uses his MI-5 connections to get involved.
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5 The Jihadists' Return The Jihadists' Return
Written by E. J. McDevitt
Copyright: 2013

MI-5 has a small task they would like help with - stop a group of Jihadists who are planning a major 9/11 style attack in the U.K. Danny Quigley agrees and puts together his team but then learns that to truly stop the assaults, they have to head back to Afghanistan and an old enemy with murder in his heart.
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The entertainment world is replete with stories of PTSD-haunted ex-SpecOps people having trouble fitting into the civilian world. This is NOT that. Quigley is not suffering from his experiences nor is he a danger to those around him. He is a good guy who was very good at what he was trained to do but now, to please his wife and be close to his daughter, he chooses to leave the career he loved behind.

But fitting in is rough and he does miss it and sometimes those who need him but do not care a whit about his homelife come calling. What should he do? Having never been in that situation, I couldn't say but it is fun to watch him. Probably not fun to be him but to watch is good.

This series is so full of action it is hard to catch your breath. It is also filled with lots of data about fighting, most of which mean nothing to me but I can nod and go, "Cool", and feel like I get it.

Good solid writing and plotting.


My Grade: B+


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