Talia Reynolds is an agent with the CIA.
Some would say that her duty station for all the adventures we have of her is a cushy one, namely Ottawa, Canada, because the idea of spies having work to do in that city does sound a bit hard to imagine. Even she will readily admit that since early on she comments, "I realize being a CIA operations officer in Ottawa, of all places, is the bottom rung of the ladder in terms of detecting threats and being in danger". She also laments that "I might not be the best CIA operative in the word - okay, obviously not if I'm stuck here in Ottawa".
Reynolds states that she is "technically in counterintelligence" and that she sometimes works hand-in-hand with Canada's CSIS and when not keeping an eye on her own embassy's security, she and her partner, Elliott, spend a good deal of time tracking agents from Russia (for the most part).
One odd thing about Reynolds' posting to the Canadian capital is the fact that she is skilled in languages including Urdu, Russian, and Finnish, with passable French to go with them. The Russian of course helps out when handling the work already mentioned but the Urdu is interesting. Not sure how many Pakistani operations are brewing in the northern regions.
In an early short adventure we are shown how Reynolds gets teamed up with Elliott and learn how their initial connection was one of competition and not so friendly behavior. They obviously get over that though because throughout the longer tales we watch them become the best of friends and stand up for each other, especially when Elliott meets his Shanna and Reynolds meets Danny.
Danny will prove to be a major part of Reynolds' life because while she wants very much to be a part of his, hers is one of constant secrecy. Hard to build on that but she tries.