Kari Andrews is a high school student.
She is not a spy. Absolutely not. No way. Get out of here with that spy talk.
She is a junior at Kennedy Prep and would like to stay that way but trouble has arrived and even though she is NOT a spy (we've covered that already), her parents are.
When we first meet Andrews, she is climbing out of the second-floor girl's bathroom window trying to ditch class without being noticed because she got a text from her parents asking her to pick up milk on the way home.
Before you get the impression I've tried to leave that she is a nutcase, that is a prearranged signal to say that there is major trouble and that she should find her brother and go to one of several predetermined spots and await more word. She will do this but there will be no more word coming and the lives of her brother and herself will never be the same.
Andrews is a 16-year-old prep-school girl. Her brother, Charlie, is a 7-year old genius. Their parents work for the CIA, or at least did before sending the signal and then disappearing.
After the signal and then the hiding and then breaking into Langley to find out what is going on, things really get strange. Andrews would like to believe she is able to handle the trouble, and in a way she is, being really good with martial arts and defending herself and her brother, but she does have a tendency to lose it now and then when things get strange and like I just said, things got really strange so ...
But Andrews has some pretty amazing friends who do whatever it takes to help out. And she will need that help.