Boxer Unit OSS is a team of 4 agents with the OSS.
The Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner to the modern CIA, was America's key intelligence gathering unit as well as its clandestine operations group. When information was needed from behind enemy lines or when a target was proving impervious to normal bombing runs or a high-level official in the enemy came needed elimination, it is the men and women of this elite group that were called to pull off the oft-times impossible objectives.
Inside the OSS there existed a ultra-elite quartet of highly skilled and extremely deadly operatives. Officially they were Group Boxer while unofficially, they were known as the Boxers.
Nick Chase was the group's leader. A "tall bond with swept-back hair", it was from his nickname of Boxer that the team gots its own nickname. Twenty-eight years old, he was said to be a very lucky man. In a blurb about his incredible fortune, "an enemy soldier fired at him point blank and the bullet fell out of the barrel".
Jeff D'Arcy, 27, was the radio operator for the team, said to me "an intellectual type who wore wire-rimmed glasses". He was an expert of the highest quality when it came to the operation of his equipment and he also possessed a photographic memory. Second in command, D'Arcy was well-trained in "psycho-warfare".
Frank Kirilis, 28, was said to be the go-to guy when it was needed to blow something up. Kirillis loved explosives. "For him, a sky full of flames is beautiful and the roar of explosives is a symphony". He was also very partial to killing with his bare hands.
Chris Romer, 27, was "a swarthy man with a beard and a deep voice" who was known to his team-mates as "the assassin". Expert in hand-to-hand combat, he could and often did kill before an enemy knew he was near.
These four were very good at their jobs, especially since the powers that controlled them knew well enough to give them the assignments where high body counts were likely. Each of these men enjoyed the mayhem.