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Full Name: Brett Collins
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Paul Roberts
Time Span: 2008 - 2021


Brett Collins is an agent with the CIA.

That is just a small part of the fascinating history of Collins for this Texan is a much accomplished man who has done a lot, seen a lot, and learned a whole lot. He is oldest of several siblings, all of whom served their time in the American Armed Forces. Collins just did it in an interesting way.

He attended West Point and graduated, earning a degree and a commission. He served honorably for several years and then decided a bigger challenge was needed so he applied for and was accepted in to Special Forces training and found considerable action and excitement in numerous places around the globe.

Still wanting more and having had a love of flying since he was a teenager, Collins opted to leave the Army for the Air Force and a chance to fly jets. Four years went by, much of that spent up in the sky. Then an old friend from his Spec-Ops days came to call, a man who had left the Service for the CIA and wanted to entice Collins to do the same. The new job would be to operate as a private contractor able to go anywhere the Agency needed a trained warrior. Ever ready for something new and challenging, Collins agreed.

That was three years before we first meet him and those years have not been spent sitting around. Still, as exciting and dangerous as it had been, it is about to get a whole lot more so. Each step he takes will get him closer to getting killed but he at least has the pleasure of taking those steps with the lovely British intelligence agent, Agatha Cornwell, who finds herself going after the same group of very nasty people as Collins. She also has the 'fun' of saving his life when they first meet by sticking a needle in his butt. Interesting way to say hello.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2008
Last Appearance:2021

There are, supposedly, four books in the Action-Pak series by Paul Roberts. I say that conditionally because I can find no evidence other than book cover pictures of the last two in the series and those were only found on the backs of the two books I have actually seen. Could these two missing books really exist. Of course. They could also have been planned but never written. If anyone can shed light on this, I would appreciate it.

Having said the above, I later saw being released in 2020 book #4 and then in the early days of 2021 book #3. I also saw mention inside Book #3 of a 5th book coming someday.

1 Permanent Enemy Permanent Enemy
Written by Paul Roberts
Copyright: 2008

A small group of US politicians are using humanitarian aid as a front to funnel tax-payers' money into ethnic cleansing in an African republic. The US President, ignorant of this plot, sends a team of commandos to remove warlords who are blocking shipments but the plotters do not want this so they send their own team to destroy the President's. Brett Collins learns the hard way about the duplicity.

2 In Havana They Shall Die In Havana They Shall Die
Written by Paul Roberts
Copyright: 2009

With a particularly stubborn strain of flu blanketing the world, the health organizations rush to innoculate everyone with the new SB-2 vaccine, not knowing that it was secretly altered to be a biological weapon. The plotters behind this is a group of ex-Nazis and their offspring calling themselves the Secret Order of Oblongata. Brett Collins is in the Caribbean fighting them already when he learns of this horrific twist.

3 Attack: Mission Oblongata Attack: Mission Oblongata
Written by Paul Roberts
Copyright: -

The entire planet is threatened by an act of terrorism that can wipe out all life. The Order of Oblongata is an insane group of people determined to use a microbe to destroy all life and the only hope of stopping them rests with Brett Collins of the CIA and his ally, British agent Agatha Cornwell.
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4 Danger-99 Danger-99
Written by Paul Roberts
Copyright: -

Could the American President be an agent for the Russians? Did that man pass to Russia the biggest military secret the U.S. had, Project Uranus? One old man may have the answer but he has disappeared and Brett Collins has been ordered to find him.
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5 Casagon Protector Casagon Protector
Written by Paul Roberts
Copyright: 2021

The plan to end World Hunger was innovative, somewhat outrageous, and quite illegal but it could work. The American woman behind it was going all out to implement it which meant that a lot of nations were out to stop her, permanently. The CIA pulls in its best killer, Brett Collins, to act as her protector.
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I had read a reader's review before I started this series and that person remarked, quite intelligently by the way, that he enjoyed the story as well as the social commentary that was a part of the book. That got me worried because I do not like being preached to. Should not have fretted. Yes, there is some discussion here and there about ethics but it fits pretty darn well into what is going on in the plot. I mention this in case you also read similar comments.

This is a well written book by someone who knows how to put words on paper and make them make sense. The action moves along at a pretty good clip most of the time and the good guys work out well as good guys and the bad guys are just that - bad. True, some of the bad guys have "good intentions" but we all know where that path often leads.

And then there is Agatha. I liked her.


My Grade: B


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