black_forces_shorts_hidden black_forces_shorts_ruins king_slater_bk_smugglers king_jason_bk_rel king_slater_bk_ghosts king_slater_bk_messiahs slater_will_bk_bull slater_will_bk_bear slater_will_bk_wolf king_slater_bk_heroes king_slater_bk_ciphers slater_will_bk_hawk king_jason_bk_hun king_jason_bk_cor king_slater_bk_weapons king_slater_bk_rogues black_forces_shorts_wicked king_slater_bk_contracts king_slater_bk_hunters slater_will_bk_lion king_slater_bk_outlaws king_slater_bk_tyrants king_slater_bk_monsters king_slater_bk_daggers king_slater_bk_sharks
Full Name: Will Slater
Nationality: American
Organization: Black Force
Occupation Agent

Creator: Matt Rogers
Time Span: 2016 - 2022


Will Slater is an agent with Black Force.

As explained in a similar write-up for Jason King, Black Force is an unofficial American military operation, conceived and created by upper echelon officers, "top of the food chain" as King refers them, to take on the missions that they felt needed to be done but which few in their right mind would attempt and certainly none would admit to. As a completely off-book organization but financed through funneling from legitimate projects, it sent its men all over the world to handle "things that never would have ordinarily been sanctioned".

The above mentioned King was the first and best agent that organization had but another agent considered almost as good, and some would say even better, is Slater. When King went "rogue", it was Slater who was chosen to take him down. The encounter, told in the first book mentioned below (and the 3rd in the King series), is impressive.

Slater is described as African-American, "slightly taller than average, somewhere around six foot". It is further stated that "there wasn't an ounce of fat on his body. He had the lean and wiry physique of a professional athlete".

Though he would likely claim that he desired peace and serenity in his life, the fact that wherever Slater went, trouble and mayhem inevitably find him would throw considerable doubt on that desire. Being highly trained and obviously so willing to leap into nasty situations, it is not surprising that he is often the only one to come out most tussles.

While Slater is in Black Force when we first meet him, he does not stay in for long and while King is considered to have rogue by his agency, it is nothing like the way Slater left.


Number of Books:25
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2022

1 Reloaded Reloaded
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2016

Book #3 in the Jason King series.
Jason King has been trying very hard to stay off the grid and lay as low as he can. He bought a small villa on Corsica and runs a small seaside bar. Then some unfortunate things happen and he is no longer so hidden and his old group, Black Force, decide he knows too much. Will Slater is the man chosen for the job.
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2 Corrupted Corrupted
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2017

Book #5 in the Jason King series.
To learn why a party of international relief workers have disappeared while working in a remote village on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Jason King must head there and go up against a ruthless ex-KGB operative who is using slave labor in his mine. He will need help. He calls upon his own adversary turned friend, Will Slater
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3 Hunted Hunted
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2017

Book #6 in the Jason King series.
When the boss of the black ops division for whom you work turns bad, it is bad for everyone. The team, including Jason King and Will Slater, are grabbed by the government and thrown into a Navy super-carrier as a prison. If that wasn't bad enough, the Russian oligarch they just hurt wants payback big time and can reach anyone anywhere.
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4 Wolf Wolf
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2017

Book #1 in the Will Slater series.
Will Slater was not looking for serenity when he chose to walk into the battlefield that is modern Yemen. Good thing because when he finds the body of a young boy killed by rebels, he decides to bring retribution.
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5 Lion Lion
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2018

Book #2 in the Will Slater series.
Still looking for trouble, Will Slater is in Macau and when he sees obvious security men trying to kidnap a young girl off the street, he does not hesitate to leap into action to save her and thus to take on a billionaire casino owner with a secret to preserve.
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6 Bear Bear
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2018

Book #3 in the Will Slater series.
Not particularly interested in returning to Vladivostok, Will Slater heads there now with the plan to take care of some unfinished business. While there he finds a nuclear-powered icebreaker, the biggest of its kind, being built while protected by an army of mercenaries. Looking into it means a whole lot of people upset at him.
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7 Lynx Lynx
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2018

Book #4 in the Will Slater series.
When he rescued the girl in Macau a few months before, Will Slater had entrusted her with an old colleague. Now he gets rumors that man was involved in the Lynx program, designed to turn young girls into killers. Slater will not tolerate that.
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8 Bull Bull
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2018

Book #5 in the Will Slater series.
It is never good when a government is miffed at you and when it is the U.S., that's a whole lot of bad. Will Slater decides to hide out for a while in eastern Zimbabwe but life throws at him a gang of killers who have been doing as they want for many years and do not plan to stop now. Slater decides to make them reconsider.
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9 Weapons Weapons
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2019

Book #1 in the King and Slater series.
Jason King and Will Slater are in New York launching a private war against corruption when they are approached by old employers to help save the country once again.
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10 Hawk Hawk
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2019

Book #6 in the Will Slater series.
The news that Jason King brought to Will Slater was very disturbing and when he heard it, Slater knew he had no real choice but to go after the vengeance that the news demanded. That meant taking on a whole new breed of terrorist. Luckily he and King were a new breed of warrior themselves.
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11 Contracts Contracts
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2019

Book #2 in the King and Slater series.
Jason King and Will Slater go on their first contract taking them to Nepal to track down a 14-year-old daughter of a high-level black-ops operative who has gone missing en route Mount Everest.
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12 Ciphers Ciphers
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2019

Book #3 in the King and Slater series.
Jason King and Will Slater are in New York City when a computer virus is inputted into the power grid computers shutting off all power to the five boroughs. As the government tries to cope with such a massive problem, King and Slater race to find who did it.
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13 Outlaws Outlaws
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2019

Book #4 in the King and Slater series.
Will Slater is reaching the end of his rope in the black ops life he has lived for so long. He wants out but he knows the powers that be will never let him go and will come after him if he tries. And that will put his friend, Jason King, with a terrible choice.
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14 Ghosts Ghosts
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2019

Book #5 in the King and Slater series.
sees Jason King and Will Slater are made outlaws by their old bosses and on their own able to use their skills to help others. Their first recipient is a woman about to be put away for a decade for a crime she did not commit but to help her means going against corruption in a city's government and lots of powerful people to take down.
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15 Sharks Sharks
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2020

Book #6 in the King and Slater series.
Jason King and Will Slater are tracking some dirty money on its trip to be laundered and find a finance wizard with lots of skills at manipulation and greed and none at caring how it hurts regular people.
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16 Messiahs Messiahs
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2020

Book #7 in the King and Slater series.
A strange and unsettling cult exists in Wyoming attracts the attention of King and Slater after news of a horrible drug called Bodhi reaches them.
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17 Hunters Hunters
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2020

Book #8 in the King and Slater series.
The location of Jason King and Will Slater comes out and the two must now take on a good number of operatives trained like they were. These opponents may not be as good as King and Slater but there are a lot more of them.
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18 Fathers Fathers
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2020

Book #9 in the King and Slater series.
On the same day that Jason King becomes a father, Will Slater sees a twelve-year-old boy in trouble on a street corner and steps in to help. This aid will unleash one major tumult.
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19 Tyrants Tyrants
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2021

Book #10 in the King and Slater series.
Three months ago Will Slater came across a list of very bad men doing very, very bad bad things to innocents. He is on a mission to dispose of these evil people. #6 is proving a particularly challenging target so Slater calls for help from his friend Jason King.
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20 Monsters Monsters
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2021

Book #11 in the King and Slater series.
Heidi Waters is the CEO of a billion-dollar startup with a revolutionary product guaranteed to help those suffering from caffeine-generated jitters. Unfortunately, it is all a scam and one she is willing to kill to keep going. Then Will Slater and Jason King are asked to look into things and the killings get intense.
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21 Rogues Rogues
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2021

Book #12 in the King and Slater series.
"Two abduction attempts on separate sides of the city. A van tries to snatch Tyrell, and two men approach Violetta and Junior in a public park. All at once, it's Code Red. King and Slater don't know who's targeting them, or why, but they have an endless list of enemies from decades spent eviscerating hostiles. It could be anyone. Whoever this rogue force is, they've found a way around every preventative measure. They've done what not even the government could do: tracked down Jason King and Will Slater."

22 Legends Legends
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2021

Book #13 in the King and Slater series.
"Moving north to wintry Maine, King and Slater get three days of rest before they’re barrelling straight back to Boston with their hearts in their throats.
Something they left behind has blown up in their faces, and suddenly they’re vulnerable, exposed. It’s all different now; the game has changed. In the shocking aftermath, it’s on them to pick up the pieces, and before long it dawns on them that they’ll need to make a choice."
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23 Smugglers Smugglers
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2022

Book #14 in the King and Slater series.
Jason King is intrigued by Dawn Cates, a retired schoolteacher who 'drinks her sorrow away at the local tavern'. His interest will end up with his discovery a global operation that is far beyond anything he would have ever imagined.
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24 Daggers Daggers
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2022

Book #15 in the King and Slater series.
"A vicious and mysterious assassin surfaces in the tiny town of Millinocket, and there’s only one conceivable reason for their presence. As King and Slater watch those they know added to the body count, their world begins to shift: their desire for a normal existence is irreconcilable with the brutal reality of their lives. They’re in Groundhog Day, hunted again and again by malevolent forces, and something has to change."
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25 Heroes Heroes
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2022

Book #16 in the King and Slater series.
"Trapped in self-imposed exile, Will Slater prepares for the fight of his life.
Two months ago, he challenged the Director of the CIA to war, and it’s been radio silence since. Unable to return to the family he loves, he steels himself for the first strike, which D/CIA Jack Raynor delivers in the unlikeliest of forms.
Then it’s all-out carnage in dreary Iowa."
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Number of Stories:3
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2019

1 The Hidden The Hidden
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2018

Black Force Shorts #4
A part of Black Force for six months, 23-year-old Will Slater has already made a name for himself. Now he will really have to challenge himself as in order to investigate a corrupt Chicago police commissioner, he must get himself arrested. That was the easy part. Staying alive inside - not so much

2 The Wicked The Wicked
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2018

Black Force Shorts #8
Will Slater was in California trying to drink away the memory of some of his missions when his motel door is kicked in and he is given his next mission. He is to find a way into an exclusive VIP club catering to the uber-rich and then befriend the Sinaloa cartel's top interrogator. The man was known only as 'The Wicked'.
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3 The Ruins The Ruins
Written by Matt Rogers
Copyright: 2019

Black Force Shorts #10
With one of his worst hangovers plaguing him, Will Slater leaps from a plane over the Taklamakan Desert in China to locate and free three American college dropouts who are rumored to be held by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. They are not happy to see him and neither are the Chinese secret police.
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My eyebrows raised quite a bit when I started this series. I had already met Slater in the pages of the Jason King series but now that he was on his own, I wanted to know what he was up to and then more importantly, what the heck would a sane man be doing voluntarily crossing into a hotbed of danger (literal and figurative) like Yemen. It made no sense!

The fun part to the series is that to someone like Slater, it makes as much sense as anything else. Can you say "looking for a fight"? That's Slater. And for the wonderful enjoyment of us readers, he always finds one.


My Grade: B+


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