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Full Name: Dredger
Nationality: British
Organization: DI-6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Pat Mills, Gerry Finley-Day
Time Span: 1976 - 1984


Dredger is an agent with DI-6.

That is the name used by the British SIS or MI-6 back in the late 60s and 70s. Since the late 70s is the period in which Dredger operated, it makes sense.

I regularly try to use a person's last name when writing about him or her but in Dredger's case, that is more requirement than option. If his first name is known, it certainly is not bandied about. Everyone who knows him, either friend (if there are any) or foe (there are a lot of those), call him just Dredger though some might add the odd expletive or two in conjunction. Dredger is definitely the sort of agent who brings out the emotion in others; just not kindly ones.

With little argument from anyone, it is safe to say Dredger is a throwback. The argument might be just how far back the toss goes but the general concensus would likely be around the Neanderthal period. Dredge himself would not likely take exception to that, not because he agreed but because he didn't give a bit what you thought of him. "Shut up and get the h*** out of my way," is the most likely comment, if any.

Likely in his late 30s though possibly on the other side of 40, Dredger has been around the block quite a few times and there is little that surprises him and even less that makes him happy. Contentment might be another matter if you think that punching someone in the face when you are irked could get you that result. Or shooting someone if you are really ticked. Or blowing up a vehicle or two when you really get in a bad mood. That's Dredger.

Of course, the question is often asked of those in authority why on Earth keep such a volatile, unpleasant man around if he is nothing but violent trouble. The answer is simple. He gets the job done. Always. So if the mission is totally out of reason and has no way of succeeding, Dredger is just the man you want to send. He will get it done one way or another or die trying. Sort of a win-win for his bosses then.

We never learn anything about Dredger's earlier life to make note of and he likes it that way. Nostalgia is not something he looks back on, except perhaps to review the small list of enemies he didn't get to eliminate.

And friends? Not so much.

There is his colleague, Simon Breed, who accompanies him on most of his missions but neither man would characterize their relationship as friends. Mildly friendly at times perhaps but neither could see going out with the other for a drink or two just for fun.

About Breed, since he is in most of Dredger's adventures, it is important to say that this blond-haired good agent is teamed up with Dredger more, it seems at first, as a governor than a backup. It would not surprise me to have heard Breed be told to let Dredger do what he does but try to keep the body count manageable.

Breed is able to do that, barely, for a while but if anyone had hoped that having a calming influence nearby would make Dredger any mellower, that person had it totally backwards. As time and missions go by, Breed changes a lot. For the better? Depends on who you ask.

So as is mentioned on quite a few of the illustrated adventures of Dredger and Breed, when you need action and you need results and you need some killin' done, you call Dredger. Then you get out of the way (quickly).


Number of Stories:7
First Appearance:1976
Last Appearance:1984

1 When There's Dirty Work .... Send For Dredger When There's Dirty Work .... Send For Dredger
Written by Gerry Finley-Day
Copyright: 1976

Found in the pages of Action Annual 1977 along with a graphic adventure. In the text story, Katin is believed dead and buried in East Berlin. But Dredger is not one of the believers. The mission for Dredger and Breed is to be unofficial observers in an agent exchange between East and West Germany. Yet Dredger finds reasons to use some guns and it's a good thing he does.
Click here to read the story.

2 White Heat White Heat
Written by Gerry Finley-Day
Copyright: 1980

Found in the pages of Action Annual 1981. Three DI6 Agents have been blown up trying to get information back from East Germany. Now Dredger and Breed get a turn to try. Yet is it a trap of a fat Russian spy and will Dredger get justice?
Click here to read the story.

3 Dead Man's Secret Dead Man's Secret
Written by Gerry Finley-Day
Copyright: 1981

1st of 2 stories found in the pages of Action Annual 1982.
D.I.6 and the KGB want information in a false tooth of a scientist. So, Dredger and Breed disrupt a funeral and take the coffin but then find in it a dummy.
Click here to read the story.

4 4 Minutes To Die 4 Minutes To Die
Written by Gerry Finley-Day
Copyright: 1981

2nd of 2 stories found in the pages of Action Annual 1982.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

5 Kill Dredger Kill Dredger
Written by Gerry Finley-Day
Copyright: 1983

Found in the pages of Action Annual 1983. Breed is rather astonished and confused and not a little unbelieving when he is told by the Head of DI6 that his next assignment is to track down and eliminate Dredger, said to have gone rogue and working with the other side.
Click here to read the story.

6 See Berlin - And Die! See Berlin - And Die!
Written by Gerry Finley-Day
Copyright: 1984

1st of 2 stories found in the pages of Action Annual 1984. [plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

7 No Way Out No Way Out
Written by Gerry Finley-Day
Copyright: 1984

2nd of 2 stories found in the pages of Action Annual 1984. [plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.


Number of Stories:97
First Appearance:1976
Last Appearance:1984

Dredger first appeared in the British Comics Magazine called Action that was published and printed weekly by IPC Magazines.

1 'A Prime Minister In Danger!' 'A Prime Minister In Danger!'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 02/14/1976

From Action No. 1 with 3 black & white pages. There's only one rule for Dredger - There are no rules! Dredger and Breed must protect the Prime Minister of Kuran from terrorist assassins that want him dead.
Click here to read the story.

2 'The Kidnapped British Ambassador' 'The Kidnapped British Ambassador'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 02/21/1976

From Action No. 2 with 3 black & white pages.
When Dredger shoots ... he shoots to kill!
A British Ambassador is kidnapped in South America. Dredger and Breed must save him from the group known as The Cougars.
Click here to read the story.

3 The Berlin Job The Berlin Job
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 02/28/1976

From Action No. 3 with 3 black & white pages. For Dredger - bullets speak loader than words! Dredger and Breed are in Berlin to help Goesler escape, but something is wrong with the whole idea. Is it a Double-Cross!
Click here to read the story.

4 Juggernaut Juggernaut
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 03/06/1976

From Action No. 4 with 4 black & white pages. Dredger's motto - the man with the biggest gun wins! A Russian unmanned RPV is shot down and lands in Yugoslavia. Dredger and Breed are sent there to get it, but the Russians want it too. So, just who wins!
Click here to read the story.

5 'Dredger & Breed - Secret Agents' 'Dredger & Breed - Secret Agents'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 03/13/1976

From Action No. 5 with 4 black & white pages. Both Men Were Tough ... But Only One Of Them Was Dredger. Some intelligence information is given on Dredger and Breed. The Agents have a known terrorist leader and must escape from his men with him.
Click here to read the story.

6 'Terror In The Mountains' 'Terror In The Mountains'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 03/20/1976

From Action No. 6 with 3 black & white pages. Don't mess with Dredger or you're dead! D.I.6 kept this story out of the papers! They had to keep quiet about ... Both Dredger & Breed are sent to protect British and Russian Minsters on the Turkish-Russian frontier. Something has been taken from both sides and it seems all are in danger.
Click here to read the story.

7 Motorway Murder Motorway Murder
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 03/27/1976

From Action No. 7 with 3 black & white pages. Warning - Dredger Can Damage Your Health! The Mackey Brothers (criminals) and Reilly (a Superspy) breakout of prison. Dredger and Breed are sent after them.
Click here to read the story.

8 The Hong Kong Connection The Hong Kong Connection
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 04/03/1976

From Action No. 8 with 3 black & white pages. Killer Takes All! Dredger and Breed give no second chances! Dial "D" ... For Death! Dredger and Breed go to Hong Kong to get a formula from Sewell. But he is dead and the Chinese wan it back. Note: Both Dredger & Breed are on the cover of this Issue.
Click here to read the story.

9 Shoot-Out In Siberia Shoot-Out In Siberia
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 04/10/1976

From Action No. 9 with 3.5 black & white pages (I turned into 5 pages). Don't Double-Cross Dredger - Or Your Dead! Dredger and Breed are sent to Russia to get some important papers. Can they both make it out alive with the papers.
Click here to read the story.

10 The Man Who Died Twice! The Man Who Died Twice!
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 04/17/1976

From Action No. 10 with 3.5 black & white pages (made into 4 with Dredger & Breed from cover image on Action No. 8). How can a man vanish from a sealed room? The answer's in ... Dredger & Breed are sent to the Middle East to guard a man name Dinar, but he vanishes. How can he really died twice?
Click here to read the story.

11 The Human Bomb The Human Bomb
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 04/24/1976

From Action No. 11 with 4 black & white pages. Dredger's Deadly Magnum Never Misses .... Dredger Is Dirty...Really Dirty! Dredger and Breed are assigned to protect the Foreign Minister of Japan from assassination. Dredger decides to check out a Colonel Keto, who makes Dredger into a human bomb to assassinate others. But, is Dredger a goner or smarter than the Colonel.
Click here to read the story.

12 'Dredger Is Dirty' 'Dredger Is Dirty'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/01/1976

From Action No. 12 with 3 pages (2 in color and 1 in black & white). When Dredger's Magnum Speaks, It Says "Death!" Death in the bullring ... Dredger's at his dirty work again. Dredger and Breed are on a mission in South America that ends in death. But whose? Sure, Dredger's dirty, but he gets results!
Click here to read the story.

13 'The USS Stanton In Peril' 'The USS Stanton In Peril'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/08/1976

From Action No. 13 with 3.5 pages (made into 4 with images of Dredger from other comic stories and his name). It's a dirty game ... and Dredger's the dirtiest! Don't mess around with Dredger or you're dead! At least 3 persons want to destroy an American ship. It Is up to both Dredger and Breed to stop them from doing so.
Click here to read the story.

14 'Dredger and the Inventor' 'Dredger and the Inventor'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/15/1976

From Action No. 14 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger's got "concrete" plans for a spy who won't talk! Dredger's mission is to take an inventor to a meeting in London. But the inventor goes for a walk and gets taken. Now it is up to Dredger to save him. Warning! Dredger means danger.
Click here to read the story.

15 The Stalin Organ The Stalin Organ
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/22/1976

From Action No. 15 with 4 black & white pages. Dredger Only Knows One Way To Fight - Dirty! What kind of tune do you play on the Stalin Organ? Dredger and Breed have another mission to fight rebals. They'll have the upper hand if they can get the Russian MP21 Rocket-Launcher.
Click here to read the story.

16 'The Concorde Hi-Jacking' 'The Concorde Hi-Jacking'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/29/1976

From Action No. 16 with 3 black & white pages. Concorde hi-jacked! Send for Dredger! The Black Mole Group has hi-jacked the new Concorde and it's the mission of Dredger and Breed to get it back.
Click here to read the story.

17 'Dredger Resigns' 'Dredger Resigns'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 06/05/1976

From Action No. 17 with 3 black & white pages. Resign? There's no chance if your name is Dredger! Dredger resigns, but is sent on another mission with Breed to make sure a man name Wilkins does not talk. But something fishy happens! Will Dredger be free of Breed and DI-6?
Click here to read the story.

18 DI6 Sent ... Dredger DI6 Sent ... Dredger
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 06/12/1976

From Action No. 18 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger, His Gun Means Death! "Send a man that gets results at all costs." A CIA Satellite called SK471 is shut down and Dredger is sent to get it back online. Breed goes along as well.
Click here to read the story.

19 'Missile Tests And Saboteurs' 'Missile Tests And Saboteurs'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 06/19/1976

From Action No. 19 with 3 black & white pages. Danger! At any moment, Dredger may explode ... into action! Dredger and Breed are sent to Australia to stop those that are causing the fatal accidents at a NATO missile research base. While doing so they meet Doctor Simons who can take care of herself. Has Breed found himself a girl, cause he seems to think he's James Bond! Dredger is dangerous .... Dredger is deadly!
Click here to read the story.

20 'Iron Commandos At The World Peace Games' 'Iron Commandos At The World Peace Games'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 06/26/1976

From Action No. 20 with 3 black & white pages. Bold! When the going gets rough, they send for Dredger! Dredger only knows one way ... the dirty way! Terrorist that call themselves the Iron Commandos wish to bloody the 1976 World Peace Games in West Germany and it's the mission of Dredger and Breed to stop them.
Click here to read the story.

21 Dredger and The Man Who Turned To Dust Dredger and The Man Who Turned To Dust
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/03/1976

From Action No. 21 with 3 black & white pages. It doesn't pay to mess with Dredger! Dredger and Breed are sent to Rio. They find a fellow agent has been turned to dust. The work of an Ex-Nazi Medic and they must stop him any way they can before it's to late.
Click here to read the story.

22 'Talk Fast Or Else!' 'Talk Fast Or Else!'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/10/1976

From Action No. 22 with 3 black & white pages. Will Dredger Have To Use His Magnum? Dredger and Breed must stop Klaus from taking the X-20 bacteria back to East Germany he and other took.
Click here to read the story.

23 'Prevent A President's Death ' 'Prevent A President's Death '
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/17/1976

From Action No. 23 with 3.5 black & white pages (made into 4 with another image of Dredger and Breed). He Is Dirty ... Dredger and Breed are sent to the small Free State of Mastou to stop a Presidential Assassination. But, does one who is fatally ill need saving! And is the true mission to get important paper to the United Nations?
Click here to read the story.

24 'All Quiet On The Eastern Front?' 'All Quiet On The Eastern Front?'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/24/1976

From Action No. 24 with 3 black & white pages. He's a cold-blooded hunter. Now they're out to get Him! All quite on the Eastern Front? Not for long it isn't! Dredger and Breed are on a mission to rescue a Holy Leader of a country in African.
Click here to read the story.

25 The Noose of Death The Noose of Death
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/31/1976

From Action No. 25 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger's Really At Home This Week... He's In The Sewers! In the capital city of Catamania hostages have been take in the British Embassy. Dredger and Breed are sent to free them.
Click here to read the story.

26 Top Secret Top Secret
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 08/07/1976

From Action No. 26 with 3 black & white pages. If You Don't Want A Gutfull Of Lead ... Stay Clear Of Dredger! Dredger Fights Dirty ... But He Gets Results! Dredger and Breed are sent on a mission to kill the Governor of Ohio. Yet who really wants him dead.
Click here to read the story.

27 Secrets For British Intelligence Secrets For British Intelligence
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1976

From Action Summer Special printed in 1976 with 6 black & white pages. Dredger! He blasts into action ... Dirty Action! Dr. Yakhalov has secrets the British want, but he is killed. Dredger and Breed are sent to New York for the special papers.
Click here to read the story.

28 'Never A Certainty' 'Never A Certainty'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 08/14/1976

From Action No. 27 with 3 black & white pages. It's not easy to kill a man like Dredger.... Is this the end of Dredger and Breed as they go after the dossier on DI6 that the GEPO has in East Germany.
Click here to read the story.

29 'The Russian Arctic Mission' 'The Russian Arctic Mission'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 08/21/1976

From Action No. 28 with 3 black & white pages. Colder than ice ... that's Dredger! Dredger & Breed have a mission in the Russian Arctic to kill some Colonel. But is that really their mission? Breed thinks so when their caught and he is tortured. Will they both get away this time?
Click here to read the story.

30 'The Garden Of Death' 'The Garden Of Death'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 08/28/1976

From Action No. 29 with 3 black & white pages. In The Acid Garden Of Tainan, Our Boys Are Treated To A Devilish Show! Dredger & Breed are sent to get a kidnapped British Businessman in Tainan. But is the man already dead and can they escape the deadly Garden alive?
Click here to read the story.

31 'The Death of Dredger' 'The Death of Dredger'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 09/04/1976

From Action No. 30 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger Is Ruthless - Dredger Lives! Dredger and Breed are sent to the Persian Gulf to get a scientist. Yet will it cost Dredger his life? Not Bloody Likely!
Click here to read the story.

32 Hit-Man! Hit-Man!
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 09/11/1976

From Action No. 31 with 3 black & white pages. What's got two cold eyes, two tough fists and one Magnum revolver ,,,,, and the hitting power of six men? It's Dredger! Dredger Shows No Mercy .... Dredger Gets The Goods! Dredger and Breed are believed to be Arab terrorist with a hostage on a train in Holland. But, in fact they want a formula from a scientist who plans on selling it the Russians. Will they all have to die or play dead?
Click here to read the story.

33 'What Friends Are For?' 'What Friends Are For?'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 09/18/1976

From Action No. 32 with 3 black & white pages. Is it the end of Dredger? Mates With Dredger - Impossible! The DI6 agent Dredger and Breed are sent to Sao Salvador in the Andes Mountains of South America to get a secret paper. Dredger runs into old friend and decides to make sure they get paid for the papers, but by the right Government.
Click here to read the story.

34 'Silent Rosa and Jorge's Fate' 'Silent Rosa and Jorge's Fate'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 09/25/1976

From Action No. 33 with 3 black & white pages. Bloody Violence With The DI6 Men. Dredger and Breed take a female spy sentenced to life to meet her husband in a mental hospital near Riga on the Baltic coast of Russia. She sees how he has been treated and decides to talk.
Click here to read the story.

35 'A Traitor On The HMS Daedelus' 'A Traitor On The HMS Daedelus'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/02/1976

From Action No. 34 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger, he aims to stay alive! Spying is the dirtiest game in town when Dredger's around! A British Sub launches a nuclear missile and fightER jets must shoot it down to prevent WW III. Dredger and Breed are sent to find out who launched it and why.
Click here to read the story.

36 DI6 Sent Dredger Again DI6 Sent Dredger Again
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/09/1976

From Action No. 35 with 3 black & white pages. Another Cold-blooded Adventure With Dredger. The DI6 Agents are sent to Brussels to keep the British Foreign Secretary safe at the Oil Conference. But trouble comes his way before it starts and it is Dredger that saves him with a little help from Breed.
Click here to read the story.

37 'The Bank-Robbing Business' 'The Bank-Robbing Business'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/16/1976

From Action No. 36 with 3 black & white pages. Robbing Banks Is Easy ... If Dredger's On Your Side! Dredger and Breed are assigned to take secret information from Scorzian Securities that is built like a bank. Dredger get his friend Runty to help.
Click here to read the story.

38 A Man Called Dredger! A Man Called Dredger!
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/23/1976

From Action No. 37 with 3 black & white pages. Double-Cross Dredger And Die. Dredger Gets Results ... Whatever The Cost! Dredger and Breed are to meet a Polish defector and pay him in diamond for information. But, Dredger smells a rat and Breed is too trusting for his own good. But, Dredger gets the information and also the diamond.
Note: Action took just over a month long hiatus and when it returned in #38, it reprinted the same story as #37. Why it was printed again so soon is a total mystery. Maybe it was the court case against many publishing companies concerning violence in the media or the next one was not done.
Click here to read the story.

39 Destroy Dredger! Destroy Dredger!
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 12/11/1976

From Action No. 39 with 3 black & white pages. Someone's out to destroy your favorite secret agent! Dredger is on holiday in the Canary Islands with a girlfriend, but someone is out to kill him.
Click here to read the story.

40 Find The Traitor Find The Traitor
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 12/18/1976

From Action No. 40 with 3 black & white pages. In South America, danger haunts DI6's top secret agent! Dredger is sent to South America alone. Finding out that both agents that he goes to check out are double-agents, he fixes the problem Dredger style.
Click here to read the story.

41 Red Autumn Red Autumn
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 12/25/1976

From Action No. 41 with 3 black & white pages. After someone steals and uses a deadly gas, the group Red Autumn is released. But Dredger and Breed are on the case. So, all the bad guys are taken care of.
Click here to read the story.

42 The Czech Defector The Czech Defector
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1976

From Action Annual 1977 - An anthology of short stories and comic stories. Included here because of the 2 Dredger entries within, a text adventure and a graphic adventure.
The text adventure, found in the Novella and Short Story Section, is When There's Dirty Work .... Send For Dredger.
In the graphic adventure, found here, Dredger and Breed are send to the Mid-Eastern city of Heiruk to get a Czech Defector from an embassy. Can they fulfill their mission?

Click here to read the story.

43 Arctic Waters Arctic Waters
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 01/01/1977

From Action No. 42 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger Tossed Into Arctic Waters That Can Stop A Man's Heart Within Seconds! Rely On Dredger To Dredge Up Plenty Of Action! Dredger and Breed are sent to stop a pirate named Captain Krim. Will Dredger freeze in the arctic deep or will he finish yet another mission with a "BOOM?" Look, Read and See!
Click here to read the story.

44 The Tuesday Club The Tuesday Club
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 01/08/1977

From Action No. 43 with 3 black & white pages. Anyone Who Tangles With This Guy Must Be Crazy! Dredger gambles and looses big time, then two thugs try to rob him. The next day Dredger and Breed must find out who is killing members of The Tuesday Club.
Click here to read the story.

45 The Man Who Said No To Dredger The Man Who Said No To Dredger
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 01/15/1977

From Action No. 44 with 3 black & white pages. An American Scientist named Tyler is left behind in Thaigon. It's up to Dredger and Breed to get him safely out. But, Tyler wants to stay. Have Dredger and Breed lost in there mission?
Click here to read the story.

46 Scruples Scruples
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 01/22/1977

From Action No. 45 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger finds his fellow-agent has ... scruples! Dredger and Breed have a mission in Brodnik to Silence a Doctor Hosta for good. But, an earthquake does the job for them.
Click here to read the story.

47 Ruthless Ruthless
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 01/29/1977

From Action No. 46 with 3 black & white pages. A New Recruit Almost Costs Dredger His Life! Dredger meets someone who is just as ruthless as he is! Dredger and Breed are sent after Yakhalov a know Iron Curtain spy, but Breed is hurt and Yakhalov gets away. Dredger get another agent named Kane for help, but he is not what he seem.
Click here to read the story.

48 Terrorist Aboard The Queen Boadicea Terrorist Aboard The Queen Boadicea
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 02/05/1977

From Action No. 46 with 3 black & white pages. This week, the top secret agent literally throws money away! The Eagle Liberation Group has taken over the ship known as Queen Boadicea and wants a million dollars. Dredger and Breed are sent by sub with the money. But what happens will blow your mind, Spy Fans!
Click here to read the story.

49 Black Gold Black Gold
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 02/12/1977

From Action No. 48 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger is right up to his neck in "black gold!" In the North Sea a number of oil rigs are destroyed. Dredger and Breed are sent to the Rockall Oilfield on their mission to find the ones responsible.
Click here to read the story.

50 Dredger For The Scientist Dredger For The Scientist
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 02/19/1977 - 02/26/1977

From Action No. 49 and No. 50 with 6 black & white pages. "Dredger's got a family motto - fight dirty!" A scientist is taken captive by an Eastern Power and DI6 wants Dredger to volunteer as an exchange. He wants no part, yet is double-crossed by DI6 agents that include Breed. "Dredger finds there's little difference between friends and enemies!" Sold out by DI6, Dredger is now in enemy hands. But will he escape and seek revenge? Heck Yeah, It's Bloody Likely He Will!
Click here to read the story.

51 Porridge Porridge
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 03/05/1977

From Action No. 51 with 3 black & white pages. Britain's Ace Secret Agent Is Inside! (Dredger - Deadly! Ruthless! Explosive! Dangerous! Gun-Happy! Exciting! Reckless!) Brady sends Dredger to the Nick on a mission to find-out if a convicted spy has any information. They escape and Dredger gets the info and brings it to DI6 HQ. He has a surprise film to show!
Click here to read the story.

52 Order Of The Bullet Order Of The Bullet
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 03/12/1977

From Action No. 52 with 3 black & white pages. Another dirty, dangerous Dredger assignment. Dredger's in line for an award - the Order of the Bullet! Dredger is assigned a mission in Morango (a North African Country) to get back a visiting British Dignitary that was kidnapped. The bad guys want to kill them both, but Dredger fulfills the mission with a very nice Boom!
Click here to read the story.

53 Crowning A King Crowning A King
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 03/19/1977

From Action No. 53 with 3 black & white pages. Your Favorite Secret Agent Crowns A 'King'! Someone is stealing British Military Equipment and Dredger and Breed are assigned to find out who. The man that's guilty thinks he should be King, so he's crowned Dredger style.
Click here to read the story.

54 Code-Name 'Seeker' Code-Name 'Seeker'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 03/26/1977

From Action No. 54 with 3 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). The nuclear weapon goes off - like a water pistol! The British and another are testing new weapons for a NATO contract. Britain needs and wants it so Dredger and Breed are sent to stop all foul play.
Click here to read the story.

55 Suspended And The War Criminal Suspended And The War Criminal
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 04/02/1977

From Action No. 55 with 3 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). As Deadly As A Magnum Automatic - That's Dredger! Another Rip-Roaring Adventure With Dredger And Breed! Dredger and Breed are suspended by DI6. They then take a paying mission to catch a former Nazi that happens to be a war criminal from WWII.
Click here to read the story.

56 Zone XYY Zone XYY
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 04/09/1977

From Action No. 56 with 3 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). Another dirty, dangerous, Dredger assignment! Operation Nightwatchman fails after the XJK spy plane goes down. Dredger and Breed are sent to a frozen part of Northern Europe to destroy the plane. Can they finish their mission without anyone getting in their way? Most likely not, but death is always in the cards for someone when Dredger is around.
Click here to read the story.

57 The Bolidar Gold Train The Bolidar Gold Train
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 04/16/1977 - 04/23/1977

From Action No. 57 and No. 58 with 6 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). The agents battle against a blood-crazed tyrant! Dredger and Breed are sent to the Central American country of Bolidar to free the British Diplomatic Staff that were taken hostage on the gold train. Will they finish their mission without getting blown up?
Click here to read the story.

58 The Undercover Diamond Assignment The Undercover Diamond Assignment
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 04/30/1977

From Action No. 59 with 3 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). Their world is full of treachery... So they .. shoot on sight! See Dredger and Breed of DI6. Diamonds mean danger for Dredger! Dredger and Breed are expelled from the DI6, but in truth they are undercover to catch an illegal diamond racket. Will Dredger have to pretend to kill Breed to finish the assignment?
Click here to read the story.

59 Operation Lifeguard Operation Lifeguard
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/07/1977

From Action No. 60 with 3 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). Dredger's as hard as nails and doesn't care who knows it! Dredger or Breed must test a new bullet-proof vest and their mission is guard the American Minster of State. But Breed is shot and Dredger is take, drugged and programmed to kill the man he is meant to protect. Has Breed died and will Dredger kill the American Minster or the guys that tried to brainwash him?
Click here to read the story.

60 The Kurami Mission The Kurami Mission
Published by Bell Features
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/14/1977

From Action No. 61 with 3 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). Another Rip-Roaring Adventure With Dredger And Breed! Dredger believes in shooting fast - first! Dredger and Breed are sent to Kurami, a country in the Middle East. Their mission is simple! To stop the civil war by getting together Mustoura and Solan. Hoping it will bring peace to the country.
Click here to read the story.

61 Decoy Consignment Decoy Consignment
Published by Bell Features
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/21/1977

From Action No. 62 with 3 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). A dirty deal at Dourabi and Dredger's right in the thick of it! Dredger and Breed are given a mission to deliver jet engine parts to the friendly country of Dourabi, but must drive them there by truck through the country of Hahnam that hates the British. Can they finish the mission and are they really delivering the goods or something else?
Click here to read the story.

62 Protecting A Dictator Protecting A Dictator
Published by Bell Features
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 05/28/1977

From Action No. 63 with 3 black & white pages (a bit blue & gray with age). Dredger doesn't waste words - or bullets! Dredger and Breed are given an assignment to protect a Dictator name General Gadifi. Will they do the job or let him be killed?
Click here to read the story.

63 Dead Or Alive Dead Or Alive
Published by Bell Features
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 06/04/1977

From Action No. 64 with 3 black & white pages. Another dirty, dangerous, Dredger assignment! Dredger and Breed are sent to get a Colonel Glubek. If they can get him back alive they get money, but if dead there is nothing. So, the British want the Colonel dead or alive. Just what will it be?
Click here to read the story.

64 Human Bomb Human Bomb
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 06/11/1977

From Action No. 65 with 3 black & white pages. Meet the "Human Bomb!" British Agents are being killed so Dredger agrees to an operation and a transmitter is put in his chest. If he fails his mission he comes a bomb. Is this the end of Dredger? No, spy fans he lives!
Click here to read the story.

65 Attacking A King Attacking A King
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 06/18/1977

From Action No. 66 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger has to be quick on the draw! Otherwise, he's dead! Terrorists have tried to kill the King of Moranno, but failed. Dredger and Breed have the assignment of keeping the king safe as he travels up the Thames in his yacht. Will Dredger risk his life to stop the terrorists? Most Likely!
Click here to read the story.

66 Death Squad Death Squad
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 06/25/1977

From Action No. 67 with 3 black & white pages. This week, it's Dredger involved in a "Death Squad!" Dredger and Breed join the French Foreign Legion to fight the terrorist that are pulling jobs all over France. They discover a death Squad in the corp and end up a part of it. Yet, they survive and finish their mission. Find out how?
Click here to read the story.

67 Leak In Security Leak In Security
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/02/1977

From Action No. 68 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger shoots first and asks question afterwards - sometimes! There is a traitor in the British Foreign Affairs office and it becomes the mission Dredger and Breed to find out who it is.
Click here to read the story.

68 Life On the Line Life On the Line
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/09/1977

From Action No. 69 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger's as hard as nails and doesn't care who knows It! Dredger and Breed are given a mission to stop an assassin that is killing wealthy men who come to London. So, Dredger becomes the bait as Dr. Edgar. Will the bulletproof coat safe his life and will they catch the assassin?
Click here to read the story.

69 Acts of Piracy Acts of Piracy
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/16/1977

From Action No. 70 with 3 black & white pages. Another Rip-Roaring Adventure With Dredger And Breed! Modern day pirates are stealing ships and taking them to North East Africa. Agents Dredger and Breed are sent to stop the pirates from stealing yet another ship full of uranium ore.
Click here to read the story.

70 Siege At Needlepoint! Siege At Needlepoint!
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/23/1977

From Action No. 71 with 3 black & white pages. One million pound ransom, or else! Terrorist have taken the people at Needlepoint Tower hostage and want money. So, the D.I.6 agents Dredger and Breed take on the task of freeing them in a Dredger kind of way.
Click here to read the story.

Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 07/30/1977

From Action No. 72 with 3 black & white pages. One of the weirdest adventures Dredger and Breed have been involved in! The D.I.6 agents are sent to look into sightings of a UFO and discover after wrecking it that it's a British Government Project.
Click here to read the story.

72 Ladies' Man Ladies' Man
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1977

From Action Summer Special 1977 with 6 black & white pages. Dredger and Breed are on a mission in Vienna to catch a man named Garfunkel and their first attempt ends with them getting a beating by a number of bad guys. Their second attempt has them wearing dirty clothes, getting garbage dropped on them and crawling through the sewer. But in the end they get the man and important information, plus Dredger gets the date with the girl and not Breed.
Click here to read the story.

73 Nuclear Threat Nuclear Threat
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 08/06/1977

From Action No. 73 with 3 black & white pages. It's panic station as thousands flee London! Professor Kurt has made an atomic bomb and threatens the city if he's not paid. Dredger and Breed are assigned to give him the payment and stop the threat. Dredger of course does things his way again, yet saves the city anyway.
Click here to read the story.

74 Corridors of Death Corridors of Death
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 08/13/1977

From Action No. 74 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger has to save his mate from the "hot seat!" British and Russian spies were exchanged in 1971, but the Russian one vowed to get even with Dredger. Now he's back in England and tricked Dredger and Breed into a house of horrors. Can they escape? Read, Look, See!
Click here to read the story.

75 A Billion In Bullion A Billion In Bullion
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 08/20/1977

From Action No. 75 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger gets rough ... even when he's relaxing! A billion dollars in gold bullion is stolen. So Dredger and Breed are sent to get Sam Whiteman, the man who stole the gold.
Click here to read the story.

76 Eliminate General Gunda Eliminate General Gunda
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 08/27/1977

From Action No. 76 with 3 black & white pages. The jungle is a tough place and Dredger's a tough cookie! Dredger and Breed are sent to kill a general who is a dictator of his country. Can Dredger and Breed finish their mission without getting shot themselves?
Click here to read the story.

77 Phony C.I.A. Agents Phony C.I.A. Agents
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 09/03/1977

From Action No. 77 with 3 black & white pages. Trigger-Happy ... But When Dredger Blasts, No One Smiles! Dredger takes an old lady's camera ... has he gone soft? An American crime syndicate tries to get the help of Dredger and Breed to kill the American Minster of State. But, Dredger is wise to the phony agents and takes them out.
Click here to read the story.

78 The Contract The Contract
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 09/10/1977

From Action No. 78 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger gets more than he bargained for in a shopping center! D.I.6 has put out a contract on Dredger so they can get another Agent back from the Moscow Secret Police. Will Dredger die or will the other Agent? Take A Guess!
Click here to read the story.

79 Terrorist In A Penthouse Terrorist In A Penthouse
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 09/17/1977

From Action No. 79 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger gets his crime sheet read out to him!. Dredger is given a desk job by the new boss. But then is needed to take out some terrorist in a London penthouse apartment, thanks to Breed.
Click here to read the story.

80 Blackout! Blackout!
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 09/24/1977

From Action No. 80 with 3 black & white pages. As the lights go out, Death moves in! The British Government wants the Omega-Wave Device, so Dredger has Breed black out London while he goes and gets it.
Click here to read the story.

81 The Nystan Germ Strain The Nystan Germ Strain
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/01/1977

From Action No. 81 with 3 black & white pages. Dredger's the man for the dirty work! A possible outbreak of germ warfare must be stopped by Dredger. Who Else!
Click here to read the story.

82 Army Games Army Games
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/08/1977

From Action No. 82 with 3 black & white pages. Army Games don't suit Dredger! Dredger and Breed under different names are sent into the army to find those selling secrets.
Click here to read the story.

83 Foreign Agent Foreign Agent
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/15/1977

From Action No. 83 with 3 black & white pages. Shock No. 1 Dredger! Can a foreign agent be tougher than Dredger? Dredger and Breed are sent after an enemy agent named Karnak.
Click here to read the story.

84 The Traitor The Traitor
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/22/1977

From Action No. 84 with 3 black & white pages. Trained to track down traitors ... that's Dredger! A number of D.I.6 agents have been killed, so Dredger and Breed are sent after the traitor that made the deaths possible.
Click here to read the story.

85 Escorting Terrorists Escorting Terrorists
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 10/29/1977

From Action No. 85 with 3 black & white pages. Meet the roughest, toughest secret agent of them all! The mission of Dredger and Breed is to take terrorists back to the Federal Republic of Europe for trial.
Click here to read the story.

86 The Sniper The Sniper
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 11/05/1977

From Action No. 86 with 3 black & white pages. There's a surprise dish on tonight's menu! A number of scientists have been murdered so Dredger and Breed are sent to make sure another doesn't die. Can they find the killer and stop him in time?
Click here to read the story.

87 The Oil Rig and the Submarine The Oil Rig and the Submarine
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 11/12/1977

From Action No. 87 with 3 black & white pages. There's 250 tons of oil rig toppling over! Dredger and Breed are sent to an oil rig in the North Sea to help end its conflict with a submarine.
Click here to read the story.

88 The Fake Missile Sites The Fake Missile Sites
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1977

From Action Annual 1978 with 6 black & white pages. 1st of 2 graphic adventures in this publication. Dredger & Breed are sent to an island off the coast of the United States to find out if the missile sites there are real.
Click here to read the story.

89 A Shot In The Face A Shot In The Face
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1977

From Action Annual 1978 with 8 black & white pages. 2nd of 2 graphic adventures in this publication. Dredger and Breed are given the mission to infiltrate a group of mercenaries in Africa and kill their Colonel.
Click here to read the story.

90 The Wild West Act The Wild West Act
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1978

From Action Summer Special 1978 with 6 black & white pages. Dredger & Breed have a mission to find terrorists that happen to be hiding-out in a circus. They pose as wild west trick shooters to get them.
Click here to read the story.

91 A Strange Smell Around! A Strange Smell Around!
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1978

From Action Annual 1979 with 8 black, white & red pages. Dredger and Breed are sent after a terrorist leader that they get. Then they must go after two others in the sewer that plan to blow up London.
Click here to read the story.

92 The Proper Twicer The Proper Twicer
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1979

From Action Holiday Special 1979 with 6 black & white pages. Doctor Twycer has been kidnapped by the Black Brigade who demand payment for his return. Dredger and Breed are sent after him. But was the doctor really kidnapped?
Click here to read the story.

93 Chen's Network Chen's Network
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1979

From Action Annual 1980 with 8 color pages. Dredger and Breed are sent after a Far Eastern intelligence network to take them out.
Click here to read the story.

94 The Breed Double The Breed Double
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1980

From Action Holiday Special 1980 with 6 black&white pages. Simon Breed is kidnapped and replaced with a double but Dredger know he isn't Breed. Those that took Breed will answer for it.
Click here to read the story.

95 The Agent Vanishes The Agent Vanishes
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer)
Copyright: 1980

From Action Annual 1981 with 8 black&white&orange pages. Dredger and Breed go after the leader of the Eastern block spy ring on a train yet Breed comes up missing. Will Dredger find Breed and what about the spy leader, plus just who the other passengers seen on the train?
Click here to read the story.

96 'Hello, Dredger, and Goodbye!' 'Hello, Dredger, and Goodbye!'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1984

1st of 2 stories from Action Annual 1985 with 7 black&white pages. The 2nd in command at DI6 is wondering if Dredger is getting rusty so he puts him to a deadly test.
Click here to read the story.

97 'Welcome To England, King Massan' 'Welcome To England, King Massan'
Published by IPC Magazines
Contributors: Gerry Finley-Day (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1984

2nd of 2 stories from Action Annual 1985 with 6 black&white pages. The visiting King from the Middle-Eastern country of Ralkara is being targeted by top KGB killers so it is up to the best DI6 killer to stop them.
Click here to read the story.


Number of Games:1
First Appearance:1978
Last Appearance:1978

1 Could You Be A Junior Agent? Could You Be A Junior Agent?
Game Type: Spy Games
Published by: IPC Magazine
Copyright: 1978

Published in Action Annual 1979 are 7 short games that printed on pages 108 & 109. Dredger and Breed invite others to see if they can quality to be new DI6 Agents.
These 7 short games are as follows: 1. Quick Quiz; 2. Color-Coding; 3. Casing The Joint; 4. Spot The Difference; 5. Where To?; 6. Quick-Trick Quiz; 7. Mapping It Out!


Number of Items:1
First Appearance:1977
Last Appearance:1977

1 Dredger's Magnum Dredger's Magnum
Item Type: Gun Analysis
Made by: IPC Magazines
Copyright: 1977

Published in Action Summer Special 1977. A very interesting analysis of the .357 Magnum and Smith&Wesson .44 Magnum that Dredger uses. More than likely written by Gerry Finley-Day.


Dredger is like a breath of fresh air. Very violent blow-your-house-down gale force air, I'll grant you. But fresh.

I try to shy away from character comparisons but in this case, I feel compelled to say that Dredger is Dirty Harry with a cloak and dagger, not a badge. He gets the job done and that is why he is called. He plays by his own rules and has no patience with niceties, which is why he is called all sorts of bad names. No one likes him. No one wants him around. Until nasty stuff hits the fan then he gets the call.

The writing is very well done and the artwork is usually extremely good (different artists have different takes, some better than others). The storylines are consistent, likely because they are probably all drafted by the same man. And that man does a terrific job telling a complete story in just a few pages. Usually 3. Seldom more than 4.

That's impressive.


My Grade: B+


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