Omar Zagouri is an agent with the Israeli government.
The department for which he works is the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Ancient Artifacts. That would make his job sound like either a museum curator or a police detective and both would be accurate. To say that he was an undercover operative could be thought a stretch but since it happens a lot, probably not such a reach.
I do not believe that Zagouri likes being undercover much because that entails being deceptive and duplicitous and Zagouri is above all else a darn good guy. He loves his country and he loves his heritage and he really loves the chance to work on behalf of both but to have to be sometimes less than honest about who he is and what he does goes against his grain.
So do people who steal artifacts from his homeland and even more so when they use the proceeds to hurt his people so if it means stepping out of his comfort zone now and then, he does so. He just does not like it.
Zagouri is good at his job, though, because he is good with people. He understands them, usually, except for Mia, his fellow operative and his major love interest. Her he often does not quite get but considering her background and what she has been through, is not hard to understand. Though the series revolves around Zagouri, Mia is such a major part to his adventures, she deserves special attention.
The missions that Zagouri gets involved in are varied and all are quite interesting. Considering the fact that many of the items that provide the focal point for the assignments are routed in the past, their history is invariably fascinating and the reader is given a chance to follow that path until it lands at Zagouri's feet.