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Border Violations
Episode 1-01, first aired 1939
Agent Z and Patricia take on a gang who are conducting border violations to cause the nations affected to start rearming for their protection. The gang was making a fortune selling the arms to those countries. Z had apparently had Pat's help in a previous matter and asks her if she would help "again". She readily agrees.
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Poisonous Gas Agent
Episode 1-02, first aired 1939
Agent B-9 and Rita are put on the trail of Zora LaValle, another "Mata Hari" spy who is obtaining the formula for a horrific poison gas weapon. Also tells how Rita became B-9's assistant.
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Information Peddler
Episode 1-03, first aired 1939
Agent M and Yvonne work together, for apparently the second time, to uncover a man who is high enough in the government of one nation to get vital intelligence which he is selling to other nations.
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Narcotics Peddlars
Episode 1-04, first aired 1939
Agent Z and Patricia break up a gang smuggling cocaine into the country.
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Sabotage in Industry
Episode 1-05, first aired 1939
Agent B-9 and Rita are asked by the head of a airplane parts manufacturer to find the saboteur who is causing havoc at his plant.
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Fortified Borders
Episode 1-06, first aired 1939
Agent Z and Patricia go after master spy George Shostak who is planning on destroying a section of fortified border with a neighboring country.
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Blood and Steal Society
Episode 1-07, first aired 1939
Agent M and Yvonne use handwriting analysis to figure out who an assassin was and then to help break up the "Blood and Steel Society."
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Illegal Use of Radio
Episode 1-08, first aired 1939
Agent Z and Patricia are in a country where a group is illegally using the radio to foment dissent among the citizens - and it is working very well. Z and Pat are determined to stop them.
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Coast Defense Secrets
Episode 1-09, first aired 1939
Agent M and Yvonne are in a possibly Mid-East country to find out more of a young woman who is sneaking coastal defense secrets across the border.
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Suicide Ships
Episode 1-10, first aired 1939
Agent Z and Patrica investigate a ship recently sunk just off port. Z suspects that the ship had in fact been carrying illegal munitions.
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War Supplies
Episode 1-11, first aired 1939
Agent Z and Patricia have the difficult task of stoping saboteur Sturm Walters from destroying a train carrying munitions to strengthen a country's defenses.
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Episode 1-12, first aired 1939
Agent Z, M, and B-9 are used in the telling of a hypothetical story by an "old statesman" and friend of K-7 about how spies can use disinformation to bring about revolution and loss of freedom.
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Military Secrets Leaked
Episode 1-13, first aired 1939
Agent M and Yvonne are tasked with learning how word of a new aerial bomb leaked out.
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Undesirable Aliens
Episode 1-14, first aired 1939
Agent B-9 and Rita take on a master spy who is also involved in smuggling "undesirables" into a country.
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High Speed Bomber
Episode 1-15, first aired 1939
Agent M and Yvonne check out the sabotage of a new high speed bomber.
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Master Spy
Episode 1-16, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita take on a master spy who is sneaking into a country using the help of an old customs inspector.
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Gold Shipments
Episode 1-17, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia have the difficult task of safeguarding a large shipment of gold being moved by one country, in fear of attack by an unfriendly one, to a friendly one.
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Storm Cloud
Episode 1-18, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita are looking for some enemy agents sneaking into a friendly country onboard the liner "Storm Cloud".
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Apparent Civil War
Episode 1-19, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are facing tough odds in trying to prevent a civil war in another nation.
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Air Defenses
Episode 1-20, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia Norwood must get their hands on stolen air defense plans before the plans are smuggled to an unfriendly nation.
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Thermite Bombs
Episode 1-21, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita are after a famous spy named Lotta Rowan who is in turn after the plans for a newly developed thermite bomb, using blackmail as her main weapon.
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Fleet Movements
Episode 1-22, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne must learn how a master spy working for a "pirate nation" has gotten his hands on the movement plans of a friendly nation's fleet.
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Episode 1-23, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia have been asked to learn who is behind a series of attacks on warehouses containing vital food supplies of a friendly nation stocking up in case of war.
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Secret Police
Episode 1-24, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne go after the gunmen from the secret police of an unfriendly nation who have killed two dissidents walking in a park planning to start a newspaper to spread the truth back home.
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Aeroplane Order
Episode 1-24, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are in a foreign country to learn what happened to an emissary in Asia who was attacked while on a train returning with the plans for a new plane and a large order for several of the aircraft to be built.
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Innocent Citizens Used
Episode 1-26, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita must stop a master spy who is smugging information to his operative using innocent travellers who carry these orders without ever knowing.
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Bombing Planes
Episode 1-27, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are up against saboteurs who have already destroyed one shipment of new bombers, transported in the hold of a liner, and who are after a second ship with similar cargo.
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Embassy Master Spy
Episode 1-28, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are up against the spy Antiv Vladev, said by M to be one of the world's cleverest spies, who is using diplomatic passports to smuggle out information.
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Episode 1-29, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita are out after a spy who has used a plane to fly over one nation's shipyards and used infrared film to gain valuable intelligence and now wants to sneak it out of the country.
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Colonial Uprising
Episode 1-30, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are asked by a friendly nation to look into who is causing dissent in one of its valuable colonies, raising fear of rebellion and the loss of valuable resources.
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World Crisis
Episode 1-31, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne have been asked by the ambassador of a friendly nation to go into a neighboring land to see if its people are as anxious for war as its leaders.
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Government Overthrow
Episode 1-32, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are in a country's capital and are tasked by K-7 to find the group of spies who have been arming its followers in preparation for a coup.
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Episode 1-33, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia Norwood go onboard an incoming refugee ship to find a spy named René Braun who has taken another man's identity to sneak into the country.
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Fraudulent Passports
Episode 1-34, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita tasked with finding the person issuing fraudulent passports and selling them to enemy spies.
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Information for the Premier
Episode 1-35, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are in a country to find out who is behind the plot to turn many of the cabinet to favor an alliance with a unfriendly neighbor. The plan includes killing the Premier who opposes the alliance.
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Trial of Lt. Yardlin
Episode 1-36, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne look into the case of Aviation Lieutenant Yardland who has been accused of stealing some secret plans.
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Code Book Stolen
Episode 1-37, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita Drake are told to find a stolen Navy code book and has only 24 hours to do so.
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Carl Frakenburg
Episode 1-38, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia Norwood are assigned to catch spy named Carl Frakenburg, a man who is sneaking information across borders without being caught.
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Machine Gun Plans
Episode 1-39, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are in The Hague to locate an old inventor of a machine gun who has gone missing.
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Wholesale Murder
Episode 1-40, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita are sent to find and apprehend Dimitri Poulos, a despicable man who makes a business out of "wholesale murder" by pretending to smuggle refugees into a different country but then abandoning them on a deserted island.
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Anti-Aircraft Gun
Episode 1-41, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are in a country to find and stop a foreign spy, Anton Rane, from sabotaging the testing of a new anti-aircraft gun.
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Agent Z Disappears
Episode 1-42, first aired 1940
Agent Z failed to keep an appointment with K-7. Patricia is told to link up with Agent L-6 and investigate what happened to Z.
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Episode 1-43, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita head to a friendly nation to find out who is flooding that country with counterfeit money.
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Vapor Gas
Episode 1-44, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita are assigned to Major Alpha, a scientist who has created a new vapor gas formula for defense purposes. A spy wanting the plan has decided to kidnap B-9 and take his place.
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Aeroplane Factory
Episode 1-45, first aired 1940
Agent M given the job of finding who is behind the sabotage an aircraft factory even as two of the latest model are about to be tested. Causing trouble is the fact that his assistant Yvonne is missing.
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Defense Plans
Episode 1-46, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are to find out who is offering the defense plans of a friendly nation.
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Episode 1-47, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita are sent to save a European nation from falling. A secret ultimatum by a hostile neighbor is being sent demanding surrender. K-7 believes if they can uncover the ultimatum and give it to the press, the matter will go away.
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City of Intrigue
Episode 1-48, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne is in a city which had once belonged to one nation but which had been given to another nation after WWI. The first country wants it back and thus the city is now a "hot bed of intrigue". André Zermin is a spy that is up to no good in that city.
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Firing Squad
Episode 1-49, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are in the Far East to locate a spy who is really the man responsible for a crime for which a man named Major Hurrell has been charged and for which he could face the firing squad.
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Narcotics Smuggled
Episode 1-50, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are put onto hunting a drug smuggling ring that may be doing more than just bringing in illegal substances.
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Aeroplane Plans
Episode 1-51, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita are told by K-7 that there is evidence someone is getting an illegal look at plans for a new plane at an airplane factory and they are to find out who the sneak is.
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Delivery of Papers
Episode 1-52, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are to carry some "state papers" to another country, a dangerous assignment because two other agents have already lost their lives doing so, killed at the hand of a spy named Lederber.
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Government Overthrow
Episode 1-53, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are to find out who is behind a string of murders of high ranking officials made to look like suicide, all with the end result of overthrowing the government.
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Agent Missing
Episode 1-54, first aired 1940
Agent Z is ordered by K-7 to look into the disappearance of Patricia Norwood who left a note asking Z to meet her at "Royal House" the night before and then vanished.
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Military Information Stolen
Episode 1-55, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Rita are assigned to a Colonel Crannock at "the fortress" to learn how military secrets from that facility are being stolen.
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Manual Goenhaul
Episode 1-56, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are sent to a naval base where a notorious freelance spy, Manual Goenhaul, was suspected of being, having snuck in from the Orient.
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Oriental Spy
Episode 1-57, first aired 1940
Agent Z - An agent for the aggressor nation in the Far East, though named "Franz Robita" is heading to this country for reasons unknown. Agent Z is sent to find out what he is up to.
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Favor Returned
Episode 1-58, first aired 1940
B-9 and Rita are tasked by K-7 to help travel to a country in the Orient to help a man named Wong find out who the traitor in Wong's organization is.
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Foreign Agent
Episode 1-59, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are assigned to capture a spy that in known to be operating in Paris but who has eluded several agents already.
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Letter Box Agent
Episode 1-60, first aired 1940
B-9 is told to work with L-6 (Rita was assigned to other duties by K-7) in watching a letter box drop site and finding who is using it.
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Military and Diplomatic Secrets
Episode 1-61, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are sent to look into the disappearance of some important documents from the desk of a colonel who is an old friend of K-7.
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Blonde Spy
Episode 1-62, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are assigned to locate a beautiful blonde girl named Ona Lajos who have just crossed the border into an unfriendly nation carrying documents that they must get back.
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Defense Programs
Episode 1-63, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia are in a friendly European nation where some government officials are working with a foreign power to slow defense programs. Their orders are to investigate and find who are the accomplices.
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Spy Returns
Episode 1-64, first aired 1940
Agent M and Yvonne are sent to find and arrest Marie Bimieux, a famous and dangerous French spy during WWI, who is active again and has documents that must be recovered.
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Stolen Maps
Episode 1-65, first aired 1940
Agent B-9 and Yvonne Durrell are in Switzerland to find out who stole a secret map.
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Far East Mission
Episode 1-66, first aired 1940
Agent Z and Patricia must accompany a high ranking official on a secret mission to the East. Their job is to make sure the man arrives safely.