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Full Name: Brady Hawk
Nationality: American
Organization: Firestorm
Occupation Agent

Creator: Jack Patterson
Time Span: 2016 - 2024


Brady Hawk is an agent with Firestorm.

Firestorm is a black-ops organization within the U.S. Intelligence community responsible for operating in the shadows to take out those foreign enemies determined to destroy the Western world. It is headed by a powerful senator from Texas named Blunt who provides the funding through appropriations for an unspecified Project Z. Leading this project, codenamed Firestorm, is a military general named Johnson but there is no doubt in anyone's mind that it is Blunt who runs the show.

Hawk is one of three Firestorm operatives though the other two are considered by Blunt to be there more for a replacement to Hawk than as equals. Good agents though they be, to Blunt there is only one Brady Hawk and so it is Hawk who gets the toughest assignments and at Firestorm, all the jobs are tough.

Hawk did not need the job nor that dangers that came with it on every assignments. The son of a very wealthy arms manufacturer, he could have stayed home and either worked for daddy or just lived off his inheritance but then he would not be the kind of man that he was - driven to help no matter the risk.

The same independent and frankly stubborn gene that caused Hawk to walk away from a life of privilege for one of constant danger and almost certain death makes him a terrific agent and one certain to cause sleepless nights for his handlers. Those back home, like Alex who seems to spend each of her nights wondering what crazy stunt Hawk will pull next, know that no matter how good Hawk is, and he is very good, he is still human and killable. Luckily no one seems to have gotten the word to Hawk.

Well into the collection of adventures of Brady Hawk, the organization Firestorm will be disbanded. Hawk will be offered a position with a new private sector company called the Phoenix Foundation. "Officially, [it] was a consulting group, another Washington think tank in a city awash with overpaid idea makers. The organization could exist in plain sight, and no one would even question its purpose or existence. To make the mirage more believable, there was a staff, including several former military generals who met with government lackeys about security matters. They also worked with defense contractors to make sure that new weaponry in development was practical in the age of modern warfare. In reality, the group was a slick way to funnel government funds to a clandestine operation without anyone suspecting a thing. Every year, The Phoenix Foundation would win a large government grant that only it and a dummy corporation was qualified to apply for. Blunt conceived of the arrangement and pitched it [to the Agency]. As far as Blunt's official title, he was listed as a senior analyst. He had a secretary named Linda who didn't do much more than play solitaire and fetch him coffee in the mornings. She barely looked at his schedule, which contained little more than daily lunch appointments with various people. Also underneath Blunt's command were junior analysts named Brady Hawk and Alex Duncan."


Number of Books:32
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2024

1 First Strike First Strike
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2016

In the newly created organization Firestorm, Brady Hawk is sent out against the terrorist group Al Hasib, specifically their top bomb maker, before they can wreak havoc in the US.
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2 Deep Cover Deep Cover
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2016

A mining company is making a fortune funneling diamonds to the terrorist group Al Hasib. Brade Hawk is sent to the jungles of Sierra Leone to put an end to the operations
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3 Point of Impact Point of Impact
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2016

Al Hasib, the terrorist organization, is sneaking its operative into the US to launch attacks from inside. Brady Hawk and Firestorm learn of some of the plans and set out to stop them.
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4 Full Blast Full Blast
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2016

To stop the assassination of the Jordanian Prime Minister by Al Hasib, Brady Hawk heads to Prague but that is just the beginning of the trouble.
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5 Target Zero Target Zero
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2016

Brady Hawk is asked to assist a CIA agent stop Al Hasib from obtaining sarin gas in Somalia. Complicating matters greatly is trouble on the homefront as Firestorm is in trouble.
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6 Fury Fury
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2017

A notorious computer hacker nicknamed Black Wolf has gotten his hands on a list of terrorist operatives around the world and is offering it for the highest bidder. Brady Hawk heads to Austria to get his hands on it.
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7 State of Play State of Play
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2017

The US President wants a coup before the next election. Catching a major terrorist as well as a famous traitor is the way to do it. The terrorist is Karif Fazil. The traitor is Brady Hawk.
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8 Siege Siege
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2017

Firestorm's new directive is to take on The Chamber, an international organization manipulating events behind the scenes. Brady Hawk is on the job but an old enemy steps in to mix things up.
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9 Seek and Destroy Seek and Destroy
Written by Jack Patterson
Copyright: 2017

To destroy the US's reputation around the world, an operative with The Chamber is planning a false flag attack on a large group of Muslims heading to Mecca. Brady Hawk is on her trail.
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10 Into The Shadows Into The Shadows
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2017

In very hot water with the President, Brady Hawk decides it is time to disappear for a while. When he learns just how bad the President can be, he knows it is time to end the feud for good.
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11 Hard Target Hard Target
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2017

The terrorist Al Hasib has stolen a new weapons system and its loss to puts considerable fear into the minds of those in the Pentagon. They ask Brady Hawk and his Firestorm team to get it back but that means Hawk must go up against his nemesis, Karif Fazil.
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12 No Way Out No Way Out
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2018

Going after someone as dangerous as Karif Fazil does not always mean winning, even for someone as good as Brady Hawk. Since he did not finish the man, the man is now out to finish Hawk.
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13 Two Minutes To Midnight Two Minutes To Midnight
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2018

The terrorist mastermind, Karif Fazil, is leaving a trail of dead MI-6 operatives in England. All attempts to stop him have failed so they ask for help and the new American President asks Brady Hawk to try again to finish his old enemy.
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14 Against All Odds Against All Odds
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2018

Diplomatic immunity is preventing justice when a Russian diplomat kills a Senator's son. The President wants Brady Hawk and his old team to find an extra-legal way to handle the situation but in doing so, they find an even deeper problem is underway.
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15 Any Means Necessary Any Means Necessary
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2018

A dedicated group of North Korean hackers have launched cyber attacks against the US Senate, throwing the political system into a mess. Brady Hawk and team are tasked with stopping the intrusion but in doing so they discover a possible treacherous collusion between a US Admiral and the Chinese government.
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16 Vengeance Vengeance
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2019

Brady Hawk is mourning the killing of his mother and is determined to get vengeance. Doing so will involve using his team against an enemy that is a lot more potent than initially thought.
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17 Code Red Code Red
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2019

A terror cell is causing considerable trouble and the President has ordered Brady Hawk and the Phoenix Foundation to find the leader and capture him. The problem is the man is a ghost and Hawk has only a short time to pull it off.
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18 A Deadly Force A Deadly Force
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2019

The conglomerate Obsidian is proving to be as dark as its name implies as Brady Hawk and team investigate it for terrorist ties. What they learn is that a plot exists that would mean death to millions.
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19 Divide and Conquer Divide and Conquer
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2019

Falcon Sinclair is a billionaire admired for his business acumen and for his push to get into the space race. No one suspects his real motives until Brady Hawk and his team start hearing rumors that make them very nervous.
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20 Extreme Measures Extreme Measures
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2020

The most dangerous terrorist organization in the world has suddenly gone completely silent. Knowing that has to mean something big about to happen, the Phoenix Foundation sends Brady Hawk and company into action.
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21 Final Strike Final Strike
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2020

In what is billed as the final chapter, Brady Hawk and the rest of the Phoenix Foundation are now public enemy number one and hunted throughout the country. It looks like their powerful enemy, Obsidian, has won but Hawk is not quite finished.
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22 The Shadow Hunter The Shadow Hunter
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2021

Book 1 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
Brady Hawk is just starting his new life on a ranch in Montana when the former Director of the CIA comes to get Hawk's help. One of Hawk's SEAL colleagues is in danger in Siberia and Hawk wants to help him get out. Naturally, not everything Hawk is told, though, is quite right.
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23 The Reaper The Reaper
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2021

Book 2 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
The Magnum Group is hired to look into the disappearance of three CIA assets in deep cover inside foreign drug cartels. Damaging evidence points to an Ambassador who is also close friends with the President.
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24 Covert Invasion Covert Invasion
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2021

Book 3 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"As the Magnum Group unravels a mystery regarding the purpose of Russian spies that secretly entered the U.S., Brady Hawk finds himself in the den of one of the most ruthless Russian military leaders during the Cold War. As his role in the infiltration of spies into the U.S. becomes clear, the Russian General makes a bold move that sets off a dangerous chain of events, threatening the safety of the U.S. military and the entire city of Washington."
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25 The Cobbler The Cobbler
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2022

Book 4 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"With political unrest spreading like a plague across the world, black ops agent Brady Hawk and the Magnum team come across a coded file linked to the suspected source of the upheaval—The Alliance. However, the only person who can crack the code is The Cobbler, a forger located in Prague. But when Hawk and an old friend team up to capture The Cobbler, they find themselves in the crosshairs of an assassin sent to protect the organization’s most valuable asset. As Hawk fights to survive in unforgiving country, a conspiracy comes to light that threatens everything he holds dear."
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26 The Widow Maker The Widow Maker
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2022

Book 5 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"Sometimes the only way out is through. Determined to expose The Alliance and shut down the nefarious shadow organization, Brady Hawk puts his quest on hold after getting entrapped by a familiar foe with a bitter grudge. Faced with an ultimatum with fatal consequences, Hawk must figure out a way to avoid completing an assignment that would not only compromise him but also put thousands of innocent lives at risk. Failure is not an option."
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27 A Bridge Too Far A Bridge Too Far
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2022

Book 6 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"With President Norris buckling under mounting pressure both at home and abroad as U.S. ambassadors are getting assassinated, he turns to Brady Hawk and the Magnum Team to resolve the issue. However, Hawk and company discover something that threatens the very fabric of the country’s democracy - a secret program that operates outside the bounds of the law without any accountability."
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28 The Deadly Alchemist The Deadly Alchemist
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2023

Book 7 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"As The Alliance continues its subversive attack on the U.S. government, the Magnum Group receive a communique from a hacker imprisoned in Latvia who wants to exchange information for his freedom. Desperate to stop The Alliance, the CIA green lights the off-book operation, led by Hawk and Alex."
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29 The Keystone Protocol The Keystone Protocol
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2023

Book 8 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"As Brady Hawk and the Magnum Group travels to extract a Russian general who's defecting, they learn of a plot by members of the FSB to assassinate a high-level U.S. official. When they return home, they find that all their assumptions about who's behind the plot and why are wrong, sending the team chasing an assassin who is already two steps ahead. And with the Russian assassin on the loose, no one is safe. No one."
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30 The Last Train to Beijing The Last Train to Beijing
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2023

Book 9 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"With chatter suggesting an imminent attack by The Alliance, Hawk and the Magnum Group are tasked with weakening the threatening organization, if not completely exposing all the players involved. New intel obtained in a recent operation contains one surprising name—an international hacker. Hawk must track down the mysterious hacker on a global chase before getting the information necessary to halt the attack and The Alliance."
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31 The Sleeper The Sleeper
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2024

Book 10 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"Covert operative Brady Hawk thought he knew who he could trust - until a catastrophic breach revealed a traitor in America's intelligence ranks. Hawk's crew of surveillance experts and seasoned agents must navigate a dangerous labyrinth of lies and deception to uncover the truth, which sends them to every corner of the globe in search of the mole and his contact within The Alliance."
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32 The Dragon King The Dragon King
Written by R. J. Patterson
Copyright: 2024

Book 11 in The Phoenix Chronicles.
"After eliminating a devastating mole, Brady Hawk sets his sights on bringing down Jun Fang, the elusive Chinese billionaire at the helm of the sinister cabal known as The Alliance. Still reeling from the revelation that Fang has been using his global network of orphanages and adoption agencies as a front to recruit and train child sleeper agents, Hawk is more determined than ever to dismantle Fang's operation."
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If you want non-stop action and derring-dos to keep you on the edge of your seat, the Brady Hawk stories are for you. Non-stop is the word because once a mission starts, and it starts with the first page, you are not given a chance to catch your breath until the last page. And since there are now nine (as of this writing) adventures, that can and does mean a lot of late nights keeping up with what trouble Hawk is into.

The author, Jack Patterson, is a highly gifted writer who knows how to form a sentence to not bog down any action. He has several terrific series under his name but the most exciting, to me, are the Brady Hawk tales and I hope Hawk sticks around for a long time.


My Grade: A-


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