talbot_cameron2 talbot_cameron1
Full Name: Cameron Talbot
Nationality: American
Organization: Bandaq Technologies
Occupation Other - Scientist

Creator: Karna Small Bodman
Time Span: 2007 - 2007


Cameron Talbot is a research scientist for Bandaq Technologies.

That commercial organization is a defense contractor though the items it produces can be used in the normal aerospace industry as well. Talbot, more properly Dr. Talbot, is a brilliant inventor who is an acknowledged expert on missile defense systems. Within the organization she is the Senior Projects Director.

When we first meet Talbot she has just invented a revolutionary method to ward off cruise missile attacks but her method, while later proving to be quite effective, is apparently just odd enough to not have the full backing of her company and that takes her to looking elsewhere and finding help in the White House. Such is how she first gets to be known to the Administration and how it makes her a player in foreign affairs that she had not interest in beforehand.

Talbot is in her mid 30s from what I can determine. She is a very attractive woman with strawberry blonde hair which seems to perpetually fall across her face requiring her to absently push it out of the way, an action that also indicates she is thinking. Thinking is something that Talbot does a lot and she is very good at it and the results of that thinking has saved hundreds of lives over the course of the two recorded adventures.

Aiding her in these activities is Hunt Daniels, a member of the National Security Council and a man who saved her life and her invention and was in turned saved by her when things got dicey. Though Talbot and Daniels would become an unofficial item and work and play well together, Talbot proves over and over that she is by no means in need of someone to prop her up. She is smart enough and capable enough to stand on her own and she does so quite nicely. She may not be quite as capable in the kick-your-butt department but she is no shrinking violet prone to cowering. Conversely, Daniels is not lacking in the brains department but is not even close to Talbot in smarts. They make a good pair.

Still, this series is decidedly about Talbot.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:2007
Last Appearance:2007

1 Checkmate Checkmate
Written by Karna Small Bodman
Copyright: 2007

When Cameron Talbot invented technology that would defend against cruise missile, her next struggle was to find backing at the Pentagon and even the White House. Unfortunately, the Pakistani military has learned of her discovery and will kill to get it. As the Indian peninsula heads to war, Talbot must find a way to stay alive.
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2 Gambit Gambit
Written by Karna Small Bodman
Copyright: 2007

Someone is shooting American commercial planes out of the sky. Three so far have crashed in flames killing all onboard. No other planes were visible. No missile or missile trail detected. Cameron Talbot is ordered by the White House to find who is doing it and learning what new technology they are employing.
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This is a good evenly paced story told with a fair amount of skill (certainly better than I could have done) and it comes from a person who, though not like Talbot I am sure, definitely knows the ins and outs of Washington. I cannot say whether it is real but it feels realistic and in a fictional story, that is all I ever care about. I enjoyed the series though I did not pine for more when I was done. There was nothing bad at all in the series but nothing that grabbed me or made me want to know what happened next.


My Grade: B


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