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Full Name: India Black
Nationality: British
Organization: Prime Minister
Occupation Agent

Creator: Carol K. Carr
Time Span: 2011 - 2013


India Black is an agent for the British Prime Minister.

Not all the time. And not willingly at the beginning. And not officially - definitely not officially. The Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, in London of the 1870s, has enough trouble with a very vocal press and his arch-rival Gladstone, all clamoring for him to be thrown from office because they do not like his politics or his decisions or his manner of dress. If it became known that a person of Black's profession was working for him, it would not go well.

When not performing a job for the PM, Black sits at her place of work, the Lotus House, running the show as she has since founding the establishment several years before. Black is a madam. The Lotus House is a brothel.

She would be earnest in her protests that her place is respectable (-ish) and her girls are clean and decent (-ish). She sells a service that lots and lots of men obviously pay good money for and for the most part the peelers (police) have not come knocking on the door but it is a house of ill repute and totally against the law so running it is a criminal act. She knows this and acts accordingly but she is not ashamed of her chosen line of work and she takes pride in her accomplishments. It just would not go well for the Prime Minister if her connection became known. And business would suffer as well.

Still, running the House does get tedious at times. Customers are always trying to get discounts and freebies. The girls are persistently lazy and catty and would rather hit the sauce than do the laundry. Her cook and housemaid is a woman more prone to guzzling the cooking sherry than using it in a meal. And her friend and biggest rival down the street is another woman who constantly tries to seduce Black or steal her best girls.

Which is partly why when an unfortunate incident took place in her House at the beginning of the series and the dominoes fell such that she was pressured into helping a man named French in a wild and dangerous escapade, she was miffed about it and when it was over, she found she missed the excitement. And that is why she is not at all too unhappy, despite her protests to the contrary, when a gentleman knocking at the door is someone asking for her help, not her pleasures.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2013

1 India Black India Black
Written by Carol K. Carr
Copyright: 2011

Sir Archibald died in the arms of one of India Black's ladies. Getting rid of his body was a challenge but no where as difficult as dealing with the missing briefcase he had with him. The Prime Minister's personal agent wants it and forces Black into helping find and recover it.
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2 India Black and the Widow of Windsor India Black and the Widow of Windsor
Written by Carol K. Carr
Copyright: 2011

A fill-in medium for Queen Victoria convinces her to spend Christmas at her Scottish home in Balmoral. The Prime Minister is certain it is a plot to kill her by Scottish separatists and he orders his agents French and India Black to prevent the assassination.
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3 India Black and the Shadows of Anarchy India Black and the Shadows of Anarchy
Written by Carol K. Carr
Copyright: 2013

It is not seen as proper to kill the upper nobilities of Europe but some group is doing just that. The Prime Minister is worried about the English peerage getting hit so he asks India Black to infiltrate the group he suspects behind it all.
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4 India Black and the Gentleman Thief India Black and the Gentleman Thief
Written by Carol K. Carr
Copyright: 2013

When a Colonel sends to India Black what looks like a simple shopping list, she is confused. When three thugs show up to grab it and attack she and French, it gets her quite riled. Then she gets busy.
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Number of Stories:2
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2013

1 India Black and the Rajah's Ruby India Black and the Rajah's Ruby
Written by Carol K. Carr
Copyright: 2012

"Drawn into intrigue by her lover Philip Barrett, India finds herself being used as a pawn to help him steal a valuable jewel. Turning the tables, she proves that India Black answers to no man, no matter how attractive he may be…"
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2 India Black in the City of Light India Black in the City of Light
Written by Carol K. Carr
Copyright: 2013

"India and the handsome British spy, French, are ordered to escort a Russian agent to Paris where he will be exchanged for one of Her Majesty’s operatives. The task seems straightforward and India looks forward to enjoying the delights of the city—and the delights of French."
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I was not sure what to expect from the series when I started it and so as is not uncommon for me, I held off starting it for a good six months. Big mistake on my part. I was grabbed by the sassy and irreverent India Black from the first page and that independent lass did not let me go until the third book was done. There is a fourth book now for me to read but other than that and two novellas, it seems the series is ended. That is a pity.

India Black is a hoot. She is sharp but not always. She is resourceful but can mess up. She is wise to the ways of the world but still would not mind being surprised once in a while. She is fun to follow. Black likes adventure more than she is happy to admit but she does not like the countryside, hates the cold, would rather not have to deal with people pointing weapons at her, and do not even get her started about the infuriating French. Sure, he opened the door to excitement and she found she loved it but the man can be so ... male!

Should the author decide to bring her back, I will gladly buy the next book in a second.


My Grade: A-


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