Danger Girl is a private espionage organization.
Its official name is Danger Girl Freelance Operations Ltd. and it was founded by an aging but still quite robust former spy with MI-6 nicknamed Deuce. As he tells it, he had been a very successful operative but with the call of the Soviet Union and the end to the Cold War, old war horses like him were deemed relics and his services were no longer needed. He reluctantly went into retirement but was called back when a union of would-be 'Fourth Reich' fanatics going by the name of Hammer, started causing trouble. He was offered a chance to create a private group to fight what the official world did not want to admit was a real problem.
So he searched for a couple of the best female operatives he could find and he got them in three women. As the first recorded adventure begins, the reader is introduced to them as well as the latest woman to be offered a job with the elite team.
That newest member is Abbey Chase, a woman in her mid 20's who is an expert in world history, especially obscure artifacts from around the globe. She is also a skilled marksman, terrific hand-to-hand fighter, gifted linguist, avid speedster (land and sea) and utterly fearless when it comes to getting the job done. Though she is the newest member, she quickly became the defacto field leader.
Sydney Savage is an Aussie beauty who was in the group from the beginning and who relishes the excitement and the danger. She is not above trying things that seem crazy and then pulling them off, making her boss shake his head on more than one occasion. She is an accomplished fighter and can and does hold her own in most combats and if you give her a whip, she is lethal.
Silicon Valerie is the third member of the group though, being a teenager, she seldom gets to go into the field. Where she shines and why she is such an important part of the team is her computer skills. She is most definitely a genius at the keyboard and routinely comes up with valuable intel that helps keep the others alive. She dreams (literally) about becoming a field agent and she know she will some day but until then, she more than earns her keep.
Johnny Barracuda is not really a member of the team per se but is often called the Danger Boy because of his close involvement with the group. A member of the CIA, he liaises routinely and goes on many of their missions. He is skilled in lots of the cloak and dagger tasks and is incredibly handsome. He would like to believe he is the smoothest of operatives, figuratively and literally, but while he is good, he is not a good as he believes.
Sonya Savage is Sydney's younger sister who, well into the series, first joins the team on a mission as an observer (read spy) but then elects to become a full-time member at the end of that assignment. She likes the bow and arrow as much as her sister likes the whip.
Natalia Kassle is a Russian who was one of the original Danger Girl operative but it is revealed in the first recorded adventure that she is a Hammer mole and pays the ultimate price for her treachery. Being a comic book world, she does not stay dead forever.
The missions that Danger Girl agents take part in vary from espionage to relic hunting but there is always excitement, danger, explosions, and beautiful women wearing skin-tight outfits if they wear anything at all, making them perfect reading material for the intended audience.