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Full Name: Dan Morgan
Codename: Cobra
Nationality: American
Organization: Zeta Division
Occupation Agent

Creator: Leo J. Maloney
Time Span: 2012 - 2020


Dan Morgan is an agent with Zeta Division.

Before I get into what Zeta is, it is important to state that he actually joins Zeta in the series but since he spends most of his time with them, it is most accurate to link them together.

As the series begins, Morgan is an antique car dealer and a fairly successful one. He had been before that an agent with the CIA for several years and before that he had been with Special Forces for a handful of time and troubles.

But at the first book, he is moderately content being the businessman he decided to be when his wife, Jenny, learned that instead of business trips he had taken, he had actually gone on missions for the Agency risking his life and their future. Jenny wasn't just concerned about herself but also about their young daughter, Alex, and the idea that Morgan's likelihood of returning home from one of his "trips" was seldom a good one caused her no little anguish.

So Morgan had quit. Said goodbye to the few friends he had and to the excitement that he was a tad embarrassed to admit he loved. He started a normal life. Then after almost a decade, his old boss and sometime friend, Plante, rang the doorbell to tell him Cougar was dead.

In his time with the military, Dan Morgan and Peter Conley were two peas in a pod. They did not look alike or have the same backgrounds or the same desires but when it came to action and getting the job done, both were extremely reliable and worked incredibly well together. They were best friends, closer than brothers.

Morgan was codenamed Cobra for his quick strike abilities. Conley was Cougar because he could stalk just about anything just about anywhere. It is unlikely that they were really given these codenames for this reason but they worked and they stuck for many years and many missions.

Then Jenny's ultimatum and Morgan's putting priorities right and later the news that Cougar was dead and Morgan was back in.

This time, though, in meant a job offer from an enigmatic organization called Zeta Division. Morgan learned what Zeta was - a non-governmental organization doing lots of things around the world to keep the peace where governments seemed unable to succeed. Who they were, though, was a whole other matter and not even Morgan knew that. But he was trying.


Number of Books:9
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2020

1 Termination Orders Termination Orders
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2012

Dan Morgan had left his old black-ops life behind but a plea for help from an old friend, one who died years before, pulls him back into the life and then threatens the lives of those he loves.
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2 Silent Assassin Silent Assassin
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2013

Once again Dan Morgan is called back into service, this time to hunt down a former KGB officer who now sells arms to terrorist. This Russian is trying to unload WMD which would be used to kill a lot of innocents.
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3 Black Skies Black Skies
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2014

The abduction of the Secretary of State is but one of the events that force Dan Morgan into action to stop a group determined to destroy the U.S. and capable of doing just that.

4 Arch Enemy Arch Enemy
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2016

Dan Morgan and the Zeta Division he works with are up to the necks in trouble fighting terrorists with a particular nasty bad guy coming after them. Meanwhile, Morgan's daughter is getting more and more mixed in with college extremists.
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5 Rogue Commander Rogue Commander
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2017

Generals should not steal the missiles they are entrusted with but the friend of Dan Morgan is accused of doing just that and he needs Morgan's help to prove his innocence. Morgan is quite willing but he has other problems to take of, including a team member captured in North Korea
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6 Threat Level Alpha Threat Level Alpha
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2018

Things are getting very messy. Terrorists rob a Soviet-era storage facility. An international conference in the Philippines is being attacked. Russian agents are closing in on Dan Morgan. And his daughter is one of several students kidnapped and taken to a remote laboratory, not as a hostage but to be forced to build a biochemical weapon.
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7 War of Shadows War of Shadows
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2019

Someone has declared war on the Zeta team. Dan Morgan is being hunted. His wife is missing, presumed dead. All other team members except his daughter have vanished. Morgan is out for revenge but he has to figure out against whom first.
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8 Deep Cover Deep Cover
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2020

To get a Turkish scientist out of the reach of his nation's president who wants to sell the man's missile guidance system to North Korean, Dan Morgan and his partner Peter must get to the man - inside a Turkish prison. To do that, they must be put there.
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8.5 The Morgan Files The Morgan Files
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2020

Collection of two previously released novellas:
Twelve Hours and
For Duty And Honor
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Number of Stories:3
First Appearance:2015
Last Appearance:2018

1 Twelve Hours Twelve Hours
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2015

Islamic extremists have attacked Manhattan and are laying siege to Grand Central Station. Dan Morgan knows he must do whatever he can to stop them because one of the hostages is his daughter. She, meanwhile, is not sitting idly, either.
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2 For Duty and Honor For Duty and Honor
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2016

An operative knows it can happen but hopes it never does. Getting caught. It happened to Dan Morgan and now he is a 'guest' of the Russians in a gulag suffering torture and deprivation. But Morgan is never one to just give up.
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3 Dark Territory Dark Territory
Written by Leo J. Maloney
Copyright: 2018

Dan Morgan's daughter, Alex, is on a sniper mission to remove a sadistic North Korean officer. When her task is completed, she boards the Trans-Siberian Railway to head out. That's when the elder Morgan learns there is something else on the train and fighter jets are planning to blow it sky high.
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I really like the Dan Morgan series a bunch and I think you will do as well. Dan Morgan is a very good agent who is not full of himself. He is happily married with a daughter and he wants to stay that way. He loves the action but he knows that too much of it and he will lose his life and that means losing his family so he might take chances but not stupid ones.

I like the series, too, because the writing is top-rate. There are no bog-down spots or long, drawn out anythings, except when windbags in charge drone on but even Morgan gets tired of them.

The action is swift and intelligent and exciting. The bad guys are for the most part quite believable and their actions reasonable and their come-uppances rewarding.

I will be a Dan Morgan follower for some time.


My Grade: A-


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