Jane Blond is an agent with B.U.S.T.
The seldom mentioned part of the British Intelligence community stands for the Bureau of Underground Spying and Treachery (one rendition of it left the 'y' off the last word, making me wonder what a 'treacher' was). It has offices all over the country, if not the world, fighting the good fight in the sexiest of ways to Queen and Country from the control of S.T.R.O.K.E., Subversive Totalitarian Reaction Organuization for Knocking-off England.
Leading the way is their best agent, Blond, with the codename of 40-27-40, easy for everyone to remember because that is also her dimensions. She is an agent who is willing to give her all for each mission. And give it again and again. And then look for more chances to give it. The woman likes giving.
She also likes having it given to her, assuming she can remember to disconnect here booby-trapped underware (she is pround she has not accidentally lost anyone in the past six months). And if there is no one immediately visible to provide her with information passed along in the most intimate of ways, she can always use the flashlight in one of her fake nipples to see by.
Helping her is the highly dedicated but easily winded male agent named Noddy. It is he who will take on any female enemy agent though Blond is not adverse to switching sides when the need arises. He does not have Blond's stamina but he does have her dedication.
Blond is a gorgeous, well endowed female, blonde-haired, of course, who enjoys wearing tight anything unless she can be given a chance to wear nothing at all. She is trained in all manner of hand-to-hand (and hand-to-other-places) combat and has an arsenal of strange and somewhat kinky weapons that she will pull out of the darnedest places, all to keep her homeland safe.