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Full Name: Chandler
Nationality: American
Organization: Unnamed Secret Agency
Occupation Agent

Creator: J. A. Konrath, Ann Voss Peterson
Time Span: 2011 - 2015


Chandler is an agent with an unnamed U.S. Intelligence agency.

She has been an agent for most of her adult life and she is very, very good at it. Trained in all sort of weaponry so that virtually anything she picks up she can use to kill someone, she actually looks at such tools as something to use when she cannot use her hands. With her body, she is even more lethal.

Chandler is not her real name, either first or last. She has both but they are never revealed and she wants to make sure it stays that way. She was an orphan at birth and raised by step parents with memories that are not very good. Wanting to escape that, she ran into the nut case known as Cory and the remainder of her teenage years disappeared. As bad as her stepfather had been, Cory was worse, a fact made more terrible by the fact that the girl who would be Chandler thought they were in love. When things went downhill from there, the chance to be free of it all seemed too good to be true. It was.

The salvation came in the form of this mysterious clandestine group and the designation as Chandler. Why that name did not seem important. What was most pressing was the incredible training she was put through under the guidance of a man she knew only as The Instructor. Months and months of the most brutal, non-stop drilling and instruction into every thing she might ever need to know for the life she would be leading.

How to blend in. How to stand out. How to act meek and scared and vulnerable one second and slash an enemy's carotid artery the next. How to pick locks and diffuse bombs but also how to set incredible traps and make her own explosives out of common items. How to torture and to endure it for longer than should be expected. How to kill a hundred different ways and to be ready to die at any instant but never willingly.

After this intense indoctrination, she was put to work in the field and the years go by in a blur of non-stop assignments. She had no real life and didn't really miss one. She had her work and that seemed enough. She had no close friends, unless one counted the voice on the phone belonging to her handler, a man she had never met in person and knew only as Jacob. Jacob understood what she was going through. Jacob was the only one she could or would confide in.

That was the life of Chandler until the events of the first book changed things dramatically. It is the life shown in the first of three planned novellas which take place before the first book, presenting a chance to see Chandler on the job.

Before someone decides that her world needs to stop and the killers start knocking down her door. That's when the excitement really starts to happen.

The Chandler series, originally scheduled to be a trilogy, is the combined work of two accomplished authors. J. A. Konrath has created several series in his day, the most famous of which is the very funny and exciting "Jack" Daniels books featuring a female homicide detective. He has others as well but Jack takes center stage. Ann Voss Peterson sharped her skills with a large number of Harlequin Intrigue novels before she decided to move a bit further into the suspense genre. She too had started a series of detective novels about a female Wisconsin county sheriff named Val.

Together they came up with the idea of Chandler and [minor spoiler alert] the Hydra project. They decided to make the books as non-stop action as they could. They also decided, for fun, to throw into the mix of characters created just for the Chandler series the odd character or two from the other works they had done.

"Jack" shows up a couple of times, briefly but importantly. Val lends a vital hand at one point. Other people, too, step in for a short time and then step out again. Harry McGlade slimes his way in and, fortunately for any decent reader, slithers away again leaving indelible memories. And the terrific Tequila shows the ultra-dangerous Chandler that he can take her any time he wants. This use of support characters from other series is certainly done with an eye towards drumming up interest in those books, too, and it works wonderfully.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2014

1 Flee Flee
Written by Ann Voss Peterson, J. A. Konrath
Copyright: 2012

Someone is out to kill Chandler and those few closest to her. That someone looks a lot like her and has her same skills which means that she has to be even better than herself to survive. And when that one person is eliminated, the main force comes after her.
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2 Spree Spree
Written by Ann Voss Peterson, J. A. Konrath
Copyright: 2012

Someone very close to Chandler is being held for treason and kept in a maximum security facility guarded by the best. Chandler is determined to get her out and that means taking on a man who is determined to conquer the world.
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3 Three Three
Written by J. A. Konrath, Ann Voss Peterson
Copyright: 2014

Chandler's efforts to free her sister from a maximum security prison has given a power-mad President the opportunity to try for world domination even if millions may die. Now Chandler is determined to stop him.
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Number of Stories:4
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2015

1 Exposed Exposed
Written by Ann Voss Peterson, J. A. Konrath
Copyright: 2011

Taking place before the events of the first book, this novella has Chandler given a job outside her normal assassin role. She is told to protect the daughter of a VIP from human slavers. The case turns out to more than just a bodyguard assignment as the fate of the Big Apple is at play.

2 Hit Hit
Written by J. A. Konrath, Ann Voss Peterson
Copyright: 2013

An earlier mission for Chandler. She is sent to eliminate a powerful CEO and make it look like an accident. Another assassin, though, is out for the same target and wants it well publicized.

3 Naughty Naughty
Written by J. A. Konrath, Ann Voss Peterson
Copyright: 2013

Hammett is the fellow operative of Chandler who is also her sister and her worst enemy. In an earlier mission, she is sent to take out one target but it turns into several before her bosses realize she has gone horribly rogue.

4 Fix Fix
Written by J. A. Konrath, Ann Voss Peterson, F. Paul Wilson
Copyright: 2015

A crossover event with F. Paul Wilson's terrific series. Chandler does not know what her mission is when she is sent to New York City, just that it will be a major one. Knowing she will need weapons, she goes looking for them and finds Repairman Jack.
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The authors have said that after the third book, they will revisit whether there may be more. The third is not out yet so I have not read it but having read the first two books and the first released novella, I for one am hoping they vote yes. I really liked Chandler and her sister Fleming [I mention the sibling because the publisher does on the promo]. I would like more.

Mr. Konrath states plainly that he was wanted an over-the-top female agent could kick-butt ala James Bond and he certainly got it in Chandler. One huge difference between Bond and Chandler is that in the Bond novels, he has opportunities to rest and relax and play cards and do other suave and sophisticated things. Perhaps Chandler does as well but in the two books that have been written so far, the world does not give her more than a few extra minutes to breath and try to recover from the last fall or knife fight or explosion or hot-air balloon crash.

The Chandler stories are pure adrenaline fun. I loved every minute.


My Grade: B+


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