French_Brandy7 french_brandy1 French_Brandy4 French_Brandy6 French_Brandy2 french_brandy_bk_alif French_Brandy8 French_Brandy5
Full Name: Brandy French
Nationality: American
Organization: S.C.R.E.W.
Occupation Agent

Creator: Kevin Blake
Time Span: 1974 - 1974


Brandy French is an agent with S.C.R.E.W.

That interesting acronym stands for the Special Center for Retaliation, Espionage and Warfare, an organization that will apparently do whatever it takes, and then some, to keep the Western world safe from, well, whatever is out to make the Western world unsafe.

Based on the cover art, it would appear that Ms. French can kick butt, and other more sensitive areas, when the demand calls for it. She can also give her all for the cause, apparently many times over. Looking at the predicament she is in in The Satan Snatch, though, her job is not always an enjoyable one.

It is also apparent that Brandy French is a dark-haired beauty who loves excitement, and sex, and is not afraid to put her butt on the line in more ways than one to keep the bad guys at bay.

The company that tried to capitalize on the popularity of the sexy spy sub-genre was Eros Publishing. A search of the web for other product provided by this company, using the same imprint, reveals a very 'interesting' type of book, often sold at the time in unsavory windowless stores and on book spindles in truck stops.

The bio of the author, Kevin Blake, is not known. It is certainly going to be a pseudonym but if experience with other such series are any indication, the books are likely to be by one man who cranked them out every month or so.

Also unknown but of considerable interest is how big the printing run was and how many sold. Based on the price these books are pulling on the collectors' market, it had to have been a low count causing the books to be very rare.


Number of Books:8
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:1974

1 A Taste Of Brandy A Taste Of Brandy
Written by Kevin Blake
Copyright: 1974

[plot unknown]

2 A Taste Of Torment A Taste Of Torment
Written by Kevin Blake
Copyright: 1974

[plot unknown]

3 A Lesson In French A Lesson In French
Written by Kevin Blake
Copyright: 1974

[plot unknown]

4 The Doomsday Climax The Doomsday Climax
Written by Kevin Blake
Copyright: 1974

[plot unknown]

5 The Foreplay Foray The Foreplay Foray
Written by Kevin Blake
Copyright: 1974

[plot unknown]

6 The Satan Snatch The Satan Snatch
Written by Kevin Blake
Copyright: 1974

To bring the downfall of the evil Followers of the Unholy Church of the Kingdom of Satan, Brandy French infiltrates their cult and becomes one of its victims.

7 The Cocked Connection The Cocked Connection
Written by Kevin Blake
Copyright: 1974

[plot unknown]

8 Element Of Ecstasy Element Of Ecstasy
Written by Kevin Blake
Copyright: 1974

Brandy French must go up against the agents from the evil organization, S.P.U.R.T.


When a friend and regular contributor of series to this site mentioned Brandy French to me, I said 'no way'. This is solid porno masquerading as a spy series. Still, the more I thought about it and considered the likes of the Coxeman, the Lady from L.U.S.T., and the Girl from H.A.R.D., keeping the beautiful Brandy out because of her publishing pedigree seemed terribly unfair.

I have not read any of the books yet - just read reviews by others. I do know know how good the espionage is. I do not know about character development or plotting or atmosphere. I do not even know first hand how prurient the stories are. Some day I will spend the money for one but with some of the books not available on the used market and a couple going for $100+, it may be a bit in the future.

If anyone has information they would like to share, please let me know.


My Grade: D


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