Patrick Matson is an agent with the Committee.
Exactly who the Committee is could be considered separately but whatever else they are, they are part of the British Intelligence community. From the sound of the work they do, they might be closer to MI-5 than MI-6 as they tend to watch the goings-on inside the U.K. Matson, though, is known to more than a few foreigners so work at MI-6 would not be completely out of the question.
Matson is at best a series of contradictions. He is extremely intelligent and quick-witted but he often lacks the sense to keep his thoughts to himself and as a result he does not have that many friends. He has a lot of closet admirers, people who secretly applaud what he does but who in public make sure to tut-tut the odd crude remark or observation. Matson does not dress particularly well but he can appreciate a well-dressed woman and does so one many an occasion. Most importantly, Matson maintains at all times that he eschews violence but he keeps his gun-eye well trained and his personal fighting skills honed well enough so that when violence comes his way, he can hold his own against it.
The word lecher would definitely apply to Matson and he would not consider it an insult - just a reduncancy. Matson likes the ladies and he likes them to know he likes them. He can be naughty at times with his innuendoes if not his outright speech but they and his mannerisms get him into the beds of the fairer sex often enough though sometimes it is followed by a slap. But crude is not a word to be used with Matson.
A veteran of the paratroopers followed by a stint as one of the Thugs, the latter being apparently an official title for people who must do work that others would disapprove of, should they ever by allowed to know they existed. Now in his late 30s if not early 40s, Matson is too old for some of that nonsence but if pushed, he can and will push back. He is an expert marksman and very good at close fighting so people who get on his bad side learn their error.