1933 -

Writing as: Simon Gandolfi

Born in London, he and his older brother were sent to live in South Africa during WWII. While he would return to England when he reached adulthood, the knowledge he had of Africa made him a natural for the Royal Army to send back. He served for several years there and then continued to make that continent his home, living and working all over. Actor Antony Quail prompted him to write his first novel. This led to his being asked to pen the Trent stories suggested by Alistair MacLean. In his late 70's, he rode a motorcycle from Tierra Del Fuego to New York City and chronicled the journey in Old Men Can't Wait.

Series Books
Trent Golden Girl (1992)
  Golden Web (1993)
  Golden Vengeance (1994)
  White Sands (1995)
  Aftermath (2000)
Other Even With The Shutters Closed (1965)
  The 100 Kilo Club (1975)
  Ibiza Beach (1981)
  France Security (1981)
  The Reluctant Stud (1981)