1900 - 1988

Writing as: Geoffrey Household

Born in Bristol, England, Geoffrey Household worked a variety of jobs around the world in the years following WWI. He was living in the US when WWII started and he returned to England to help in the war effort, landing a position with British Intelligence. His writing had just started selling and his most famous book, Rouge Male, was optioned for a movie. His career took off after the War ended.

Series Books
Raymond Ingelram Rogue Male (1939)
  Rogue Justice (1982)
Roger Taine A Rough Shoot (1951)
  A Time To Kill (1952)
Other The Third Hour (1937)
  The Salvation of Pisco Gabar and other stories (1938)
  Arabesque (1948)
  The High Place (1950)
  Tales of Adventurers (1952)
  Fellow Passenger aka Hang the Man High (1955)
  The Brides of Solomon, and other stories (1958)
  Watcher in the Shadows (1960)
  Thing to Love (1963)
  Olura (1965)
  Sabres on the Sand (1966)
  The Courtesy of Death (1967)
  The Adversary aka Dance of the Dwarfs (1970)
  Doom’s Caravan (1971)
  The Three Sentinels (1972)
  The Lives and Times of Bernardo Brown (1973)
  Red Anger (1975)
  Hostage: London (1977)
  The Last Two Weeks of Georges Rivac (1978)
  The Europe That Was (1979)
  The Sending (1980)
  Summon the Bright Water (1981)
  Capricorn and Cancer (1981)
  Arrows of Desire (1985)
  The Days of Your Fathers (1987)
  Face to the Sun (1988)