
Writing as: Mitch Bouchette

According to the bio on Amazon: "Mitch Bouchette is a remarkable author with a wealth of background and experience in Europe, Africa, Latin America and SW Asia. He is self-described as likely being the first Redneck, Hispanic-Cajun many of you have ever run across. And he is quick to add that the DNA evidence reveals a fair portion of the Irish as well. He has an insatiable curiosity and has spent a lifetime studying people, places and cultures. He brings his own unique experiences and insights from travels throughout the world; and his observations are woven into the fabric of the stories he tells and the characters who make them come to life. He holds advanced academic degrees and under another name has published "boring political stuff" that will absolutely cure insomnia. The stories here are fiction and fit into several genres BUT they are all guaranteed not to put you to sleep! What they will do is make you laugh, or smile, and occasionally they may bring a tear - thank you for sharing your time with me! Mitch Bouchette."

Series Books
Charles Travis Lemon Rescue From Iran (2020)
  Tango Section: Survival (2022)
  Tango Section: Algeria (2023)
Other The Sword of Rule [Sword of Rule Viking Series] (2017)
  Southern Rules (2017)
  More Southern Rules (2017)
  The Smell of Rain (2018)
  Feel the Rain (2020)
  After the Rain (2020)
  Gaelin's Raid [Sword of Rule Viking Series] (2021)
  Bjorn and Halfdan [Sword of Rule Viking Series] (2023)