
Writing as: N. J. Croft, Nina Croft

According to the bio on her website: "Growing up in the cold, wet, north of England, Nina Croft spent a lot of time huddled under the blankets dreaming of faraway sunnier places and ponies. When she discovered both could be found between the covers of a book, her life changed forever. Soon her horizons expanded to include other galaxies and whole new worlds, monsters, and vampires and then even stranger…love and sex.

At the age of eighteen, in an attempt to turn dreams into reality, she headed south in search of the sun. She quickly picked up the perfect husband along the way, and developed a taste for red wine and holidays in warm places.

Soon holidays weren’t enough, and together they volunteered to work in Africa where they both discovered a love of traveling and a dislike of 9-5 work. Afterward they spent a number of years travelling (whenever possible) intermingled with working (whenever the money ran out.) Eventually they stumbled upon a remote area in the mountains of southern Spain where they bought the small almond farm they now call home.

No electricity, no neighbors, no chocolate shops, but on the plus side, stunning scenery, a vineyard to make her own red wine, and far enough away from anywhere to satisfy Nina’s hermit tendencies. She shares the farm with her husband, and an ever increasing number of animals, including Piggles, a three-legged Vietnamese pot-bellied pig.

Nina now spends her days riding her horse Ragnar under the blue Spanish skies—sunshine and ponies. She reckons this is proof that dreams really can come true if you want them enough.

She still travels, but usually only in her imagination, and can often be found lying under a fig tree, wine in hand, plotting stories of love in faraway places."

Series Books
N. J. Croft
Zack Wilder The Fulcrum (2021)
  Water (2022)
  Deepfake (2022)
  Transhuman (2024)
Other The Lost Spear [Lost] (2019)
  The Wall (2019)
  Disease X (2019)
  The Lost Tomb [Lost] (2020)
  The Descartes Evolution (2020)
Nina Croft
Other The Prophecy [Daughters of the Morrigan] (2010)
  Bound to Night [Sisters of the Moon] (2010)
  The Darkness [Daughters of the Morrigan] (2011)
  Tiger of Talmare (2011)
  Deadly Pursuit [Blood Hunter] (2011)
  Bound To Moonlight [Sisters of the Moon] (2012)
  Bound to Secrets [Sisters of the Moon] (2012)
  Break Out [Blood Hunter] (2012)
  Blackmailed by the Italian Billionaire (2012)
  Operation Saving Daniel [Melville Sisters] (2013)
  Losing Control [Babysitting a Billionaire] (2013)
  Daughter of the Dragon Princess (2013)
  The Descartes Legacy (2013)
  Bittersweet Magic [Order] (2013)
  Bittersweet Blood [Order] (2013)
  Death Defying [Blood Hunter] (2013)
  Betting on Julia [Melville Sisters] (2014)
  Bittersweet Darkness [Order] (2014)
  Taking Control [Babysitting a Billionaire] (2014)
  Out of Control [Babysitting a Billionaire] (2014)
  Bittersweet Darkness [Order] (2014)
  Temporal Shift [Blood Hunter] (2014)
  Blood and Metal [Dark Desires] (2015)
  The Spaniard's Kiss (2015)
  Heart's Awakening (2015)
  His Fantasy Girl [Things To Do Before You Die] (2015)
  Remember Me [Storm Lords] (2015)
  Return to Me [Storm Lords] (2015)
  Flying Through Fire [Dark Desires] (2016)
  Her Fantasy Husband [Things To Do Before You Die] (2016)
  His Fantasy Bride [Things To Do Before You Die] (2016)
  Unthinkable [Beyond Human] (2016)
  Stolen by the Space Pirate [Ruby Robbins] (2017)
  Saving the Space Pirate [Ruby Robbins] (2017)
  Rescued by the Space Pirate [Ruby Robbins] (2017)
  The Bad Girl and the Baby [Cutting Loose] (2017)
  Blackmailing the Bad Girl [Cutting Loose] (2017)
  Falling for the Bad Girl [Cutting Loose] (2017)
  Unspeakable [Beyond Human] (2017)
  Unwrap Me [Storm Lords] (2018)
  Release Me [Storm Lords] (2018)
  Uncontrollable [Beyond Human] (2018)
  Handle with Care (2018)
  Witch's Moon [Daughters of the Morrigan] (2019)
  Malfunction [Dark Desires Origins] (2020)
  Deception [Dark Desires Origins] (2020)
  Bewitched Before Christmas [Daughters of the Morrigan] (2020)
  Insurrection [Dark Desires] (2021)
  Star Bringer (2023)