1960 -

Writing as: Dafydd ab Hugh

According to Wikipedia: "Dafydd ab Hugh (born October 22, 1960) is an American science-fiction author.

On October 22, 1960, Dafydd ab Hugh was born in Los Angeles as David M. Friedman. An author of science fiction, The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction described ab Hugh as best known for his 1990 novelette, "The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptured His Larinks, A Squeezed Novel by Mr. Skunk", which was published in Asimov's Science Fiction and nominated for a Nebula Award.

Series Books
Elim Garak Vengeance (1998)
  The Courageous (1999)
  The Liberated (1999)
Other Heroing [Jiana] (1987)
  WarriorWards [Jiana] (1990)
  Arthur War Lord [War Lord] (1994)
  Far Beyond The Wave [War Lord] (1994)
  Fallen Heroes [Deep Space Nine] (1994)
  Knee-Deep in the Dead [Doom] (1995)
  Hell on Earth [Doom] (1995)
  Balance of Power [Star Trek: The Next Generation] (1995)
  Infernal Sky [Doom] (1996)
  Endgame [Doom] (1996)
  Swept Away [Swept Away] (1996)
  The Mountain [Swept Away] (1996)
  The Pit [Swept Away] (1996)
  The Final Fury [Star Trek: Voyager] (1996)
  The Conquered [Deep Space Nine] (1999)
  The Liberated [Deep Space Nine] (1999)