
Writing as: Melissa F. Miller

According to the bio on her website: "I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My family lived in a house overlooking the Pittsburgh Zoo. On quiet nights you could hear the lions roar from our backyard. My parents supported my love of reading, until I crashed my bike because I was trying, unsuccessfully, to read and cycle at the same time.

I studied Medieval English Literature in college. You’re not going to believe this, but there was not an enormous job market for Medieval English Literature majors when I graduated college. I worked as an editor for several years before heading back to Pittsburgh and law school.

After law school I took a job in Pittsburgh. I would meet and marry my husband David there before we moved to Washington, D.C., and then to central Pennsylvania, where we started a small law firm together.

Confined to hospitalized bed rest with complications during my third pregnancy, I started writing Irreparable Harm to fill the time, and the rest, as they say, is history. In 2015, I retired from the practice of law to focus on my writing. I’ve now written more than three dozen novels!

When I’m not writing, I enjoy gardening, yoga, and, always, coffee."

Series Books
Olivia & Trent Burned (2021)
  Scorched (2021)
  Ablaze (2021)
  Isolated (2021)
  Imperiled (2022)
  Entwined (2022)
  Crashed (2024)
  Chased (2024)
  Caught (2024)
Other Irreparable Harm [Sasha McCandless] (2011)
  Inadvertent Disclosure [Sasha McCandless] (2012)
  Irretrievably Broken [Sasha McCandless] (2012)
  Indispensable Party [Sasha McCandless] (2013)
  Lovers and Madmen [Sasha McCandless] (2013)
  Improper Influence [Sasha McCandless] (2013)
  A Marriage of True Minds [Sasha McCandless] (2013)
  Irrevocable Trust [Sasha McCandless] (2014)
  Irrefutable Evidence [Sasha McCandless] (2014)
  Critical Vulnerability [Aroostine Higgins] (2014)
  Chilling Effect [Aroostine Higgins] (2015)
  Rosemary's Gravy [We Sisters Three] (2015)
  A Mingled Yarn [Sasha McCandless] (2015)
  Informed Consent [Sasha McCandless] (2015)
  Thyme to Live [We Sisters Three] (2016)
  Sage of Innocence [We Sisters Three] (2016)
  International Incident [Sasha McCandless] (2016)
  The Humble Salve [Sasha McCandless] (2017)
  Hidden Path [Bodhi King] (2017)
  Lonely Path [Bodhi King] (2017)
  Lost and Gowned [We Sisters Three] (2017)
  Calculated Risk [Aroostine Higgins] (2017)
  Imminent Peril [Sasha McCandless] (2017)
  Called Home [Aroostine Higgins] (2018)
  Intentional Acts [Sasha McCandless] (2018)
  Wedding Bells and Hoodoo Spells [We Sisters Three] (2018)
  Twisted Path [Bodhi King] (2019)
  Crossfire Creek [Aroostine Higgins] (2019)
  In Absentia [Sasha McCandless] (2019)
  Wanted Wed or Alive [We Sisters Three] (2019)
  Cold Path [Bodhi King] (2020)
  Clingmans Dome [Aroostine Higgins] (2020)
  Full Fathom Five [Sasha McCandless] (2020)
  Inevitable Discovery [Sasha McCandless] (2020)
  Flight Path [Bodhi King] (2021)
  Innocent Mistakes [Sasha McCandless] (2021)
  Isolated [Shenandoah Shadows] (2021)
  Chosen Path [Bodhi King] (2022)
  Entwined [Shenandoah Shadows] (2022)
  Imperiled [Shenandoah Shadows] (2022)
  Clean Break [Aroostine Higgins] (2022)
  Independent Sources [Sasha McCandless] (2022)
  The Anniversary Party [Sasha McCandless] (2023)
  Steeltown Magnolia [Maisy Farley] (2023)
  Forgotten Path [Bodhi King] (2023)
  Insidious Threats [Sasha McCandless] (2023)