Writing as: Jack Coughlin

Jack Coughlin (born January 12, 1966) is a retired United States Marine Corps Gunnery sergeant and the author of the autobiography Shooter.

Coughlin was born and raised in Waltham, Massachusetts, the youngest of five children. At a young age, Jack was temporarily blinded in his right eye (his shooting eye) when a sharp rock ricocheted from a fight between two older boys. His eye eventually healed and his sight in the eye was 20/10. At age 19, Coughlin decided to enlist in the Marine Corps.

Coughlin's autobiography Shooter recounts his military experiences in Iraq, written with Captains Casey Kuhlman and Donald A. Davis and published in 2005.

Series Books
Kyle Swanson Kill Zone (2007)
  Dead Shot (2009)
  Clean Kill (2010)
  Act of Treason (2011)
  Running the Maze (2012)
  Time to Kill (2013)
  On Scope (2014)
  Night of the Cobra (2015)
  Long Shot (2016)
  In the Crosshairs (2017)
Other Shooter (2005)
  Shock Factor (2014)