1913 - 1970

Writing as: Malcolm Kildale

According to Lambiek's Comiclopedia: "Malcolm J. Kildale was active in the American comic book field in the late 1930s and early 1940s, mainly through Funnies Inc. He originated 'Speed Centaur' at Centaur Comics, and also wrote and drew most of the subsequent stories. He also did 'Sgt. Spook' in the Blue Bolt comic book (Novelty), 'Spifire' for Harvey, 'Crash Davis' in Hillman's Air Fighters Comics and 'Captain Fearless' for Lev Gleason. He illustrated the first edition of 'The Three Musketeers', that opened Gilberton's Classics Illustrated collection and which was later redrawn by George Evans. Around 1947, he did covers and illustrations for 'Treasure Chest'. He died in 1970 at age 57. "

Series Books
Q-13 The Complete Q-13: America's Spy Fighter (2016)