Writing as: Kelly Oliver

According to the bio on her website: "Kelly Oliver grew up in the Northwest, Montana, Idaho, and Washington states. Her maternal grandfather was a forest ranger committed to saving the trees, and her paternal grandfather was a logger hell bent on cutting them down. On both sides, her ancestors were some of the first settlers in Northern Idaho. In her own unlikely story, Kelly went from eating a steady diet of wild game shot by her dad to becoming a vegetarian while studying philosophy and pondering animal minds. Competing with peers who’d come from private schools and posh families “back East,” Kelly’s working class backwoods grit has served her well. And much to her parent’s surprise, she’s managed to feed and cloth herself as a professional philosopher.

Kelly lives in Nashville with her husband, Benigno Trigo, and her furry family, Mischief and Mayhem."

Series Books
Fiona Figg Murder in Moscow ()
  Betrayal at Ravenswick (2022)
  High Treason at the Grand Hotel (2022)
  Villainy in Vienna (2022)
  Mayhem in the Mountains (2023)
  Covert in Cairo (2023)
  Arsenic at Ascot (2023)
  Chaos at Carnegie Hall (2023)
Other Wolf [Jessica James] (2016)
  Coyote [Jessica James] (2016)
  Fox [Jessica James] (2017)
  Jackal [Jessica James] (2018)
  Viper [Jessica James] (2019)
  Kassy O'Roarke: Cub Reporter [Pet Detective] (2019)
  Kassy O'Roarke: Treasure Hunter [Pet Detective] (2020)
  Kassy O'Roarke: Geocacher [Pet Detective] (2020)
  Cottonmouth [Jessica James] (2021)
  Cobra [Jessica James] (2022)
  Cub Reporter [Pet Detective] (2022)