Writing as: Suzi Yee

According to the bio on Amazon: "As an American living in the only hilly part of The Netherlands, I am truly a stranger in a strange land that is embracing the absurdity that is life. I spent over a decade writing and creating products in the hobby game industry with my husband before a decade spent working in healthcare. After years of wearing many different hats, I've decided telling stories is by far the most fun. That and plot lunches that end with a cappuccino and a piece of vlaai."

Series Books
The Salt Mine Money Hungry (2019)
  Feeding Frenzy (2019)
  Ground Rules (2019)
  Mirror Mirror (2019)
  Bottom Line (2019)
  Whip Smart (2020)
  Rest Assured (2020)
  Hen Pecked (2020)
  Brain Drain (2020)
  Bone Dry (2020)
  Dark Matter (2021)
  Double Dutch (2021)
  High Horse (2021)
  Vicious Circle (2021)
  Fair Game (2021)
  Silent Night (2022)
  Deep Sleep (2022)
  Home Grown (2022)
  Better Half (2023)
  Mortal Coil (2023)
  Import Export (2023)
  Numbers Game (2024)
  Dirty Deeds (2024)
Other Chandri and the Black Diamond [Shattered Moon] (2019)
  Chandri and the Moonstone [Shattered Moon] (2019)
  Chandri and the Pearl of Making [Shattered Moon] (2019)