Writing as: J. T. Skye

According to the bio on Amazon: "Hi there. I'm Jon Thomas Skye, better known to my friends as J.T.

I've loved to read and write science fiction and action adventure stories for many years. I wrote my first story in the early-2000's on an IBM Selectric typewriter of all things - you remember those days when you pressed hard on the character key, it swung up and smacked a carbon ribbon onto the paper leaving a visible character on the page, one letter at a time. Wow, have things changed!

I am passionate about mainstream SciFi, Space Opera and Action Adventure, but always with a twist. I always want to throw a curve to make it interesting and unusual while staying true to the genre and readers - my goal is to have readers think and smile, exhausted from the adventure.

I also strive to weave in my personal experiences into the story when I can, whether from travels, climbing, making stuff or creative exploits. Every day, I get up early to write. It is an amazing and wonderful journey.

My wife and I are very fortunate to live in the gorgeous Willamette Valley in Oregon."

Series Books
Morgan Fox Nuclear Revenge (2020)
  Nuclear Extortion (2020)
  Weapon Of Justice (2020)
  Weapon Of Honor (2020)
  Tour of Duty Afghanistan (2020)