Writing as: P. A. Duncan, Phyllis Duncan

According to the bio on Amazon: "Phyllis A. Duncan is a retired bureaucrat but one with an over-active imagination--at least that's what everyone has told her since she first started making up stories in elementary school prompted by her weekly list of spelling words. A commercial pilot and former FAA safety official, she lives and writes in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. A graduate of Madison College (now James Madison University), she has degrees in history and political science. Her love of politics continues to this day.

She is President Emeritus of the Virginia Writers Club, one of the oldest writer organizations in the country.

Her debut novel, A WAR OF DECEPTION, won the 2017 New Apple Award for Excellence in Independent Publishing, "Best Historical Fiction."

Her fiction has won or placed in numerous contests (including winning the VWC Golden Nib Award for 2016) and has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies. When not writing, reading, reviewing books, singing, rooting for the Yankees, or watching NASCAR, she takes delight in spoiling her grandchildren."

Series Books
P. A. Duncan
Mai Fisher Treachery ()
  Revenge ()
  Pep Talk (2012)
  Boredom and Terror (2012)
  Prizraki (2012)
  A Father's No Shield For His Child (2012)
  Days of Auld Lang Sync (2012)
  A Study in Blue (2012)
  Desert Nights and Weeping Flowers (2012)
  Family Matters (2012)
  Another Brick in the Wall (2012)
  A Little Romance (2012)
  Honor (2012)
  Honor (2012)
  Inconsequential Promises (2012)
  Footsteps (2012)
  Giving The Dead Back Their Names (2012)
  Blood Vengeance (2012)
  A Beautiful Day (2012)
  The One Who Got Away (2012)
  Patience (2012)
  Here, There Be Dragons (2012)
  Four Seconds (2012)
  Judas Goat (2012)
  The Tortoise and The Hare (2012)
  Let it Go for Now (2012)
  Cleopatra’s Barge (2012)
  Yea, Though I Walk (2012)
  Angel of Death (2012)
  Closure (2012)
  26 May 2011 (2012)
  Spy Flash (2012)
  Career Day (2012)
  Resolve (2012)
  Blood Vengeance (2013)
  The Yellow Scarf (2015)
  The Serendipity of a Car Accident (2015)
  No More Confessions (2015)
  Damaged Goods (2015)
  Necessary Sacrifices (2015)
  Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship (2015)
  Hero Worship (2015)
  Partners (2015)
  Thinking Alike (2015)
  Delicate Sensibilities (2015)
  For Valour (2015)
  Artificially Induced (2015)
  No Secrets (2015)
  Lady of the Flies (2015)
  Spook (2015)
  Martyrs (2015)
  My Noble Enemy (2015)
  False Courage (2015)
  Resulting Complications (2015)
  The Better Spy (2015)
  Butterfly in a Net (2015)
  An Unnatural Order of Things (2015)
  Anything for the Cause (2015)
  Sin Eater (2015)
  The Better Spy (2015)
  Discreet Inquiries (2015)
  Blood Cover (2016)
  Best Served Cold (2016)
  Brave New World (2016)
  Spymaster (2016)
  Spy Flash II (2016)
  A Face In The Crowd (2017)
  A War Of Deception (2017)
  Hidden Agendas (2017)
  Who Watches The Watchmen? (2017)
  Bad Company (2018)
  End Times (2018)
  The Broader Concerns Of All Humanity (2019)
  Descending Spiral (2019)
  A Case Of Mistaken Identity (2019)
  And Justice For All (2020)
  Dangerous Truths (2020)
  Welcome to Belgrade (2020)
  A Change For The Better (2020)
  Never Go Against Your Gut (2021)
  Pick the Time and Place for Action (2021)
  Don’t Harass the Opposition (2021)
  Lull Them Into a Sense of Complacency (2021)
  Stay Within Your Cover (2021)
  Vary Your Pattern (2021)
  Go With the Flow (2021)
  Epilogue: Enterprise Formidable (2021)
  Don’t Look Back (2021)
  Everyone is Under Opposition Control (2021)
  Assume Nothing (2021)
  Keep Your Options Open (2021)
  Spy Flash III (2021)
  You Are Never Completely Alone (2021)
  Rendition (2023)
  Terror (2023)