Writing as: Alan Judd

According to Wikipedia: "[He was] born in 1946, he is a former soldier and diplomat who now works as a security analyst and writer in the United Kingdom. He writes both books and articles, regularly contributing to a number of publications, including The Daily Telegraph and The Spectator. His books include both fiction and non-fiction titles, with his novels often drawing on his military background."

According to FantasticFiction: "[He is] is a novelist and biographer who has previously served in the army and the Foreign Office. Chosen as one of the original twenty Best Young British Novelists, he subsequently won the Royal Society of Literature's Winifred Holtby Award, the Heinemann Award and the Guardian Fiction Award; he was also shortlisted for the Westminster Prize. He is currently the Spectator's motoring correspondent and a comment writer for the Daily Telegraph. He lives in Sussex with his wife and daughter."

Series Books
Charles Thoroughgood Breed of Heroes (1981)
  Legacy (2001)
  Uncommon Enemy (2012)
  Inside Enemy (2014)
  Deep Blue (2016)
  Accidental Agent (2019)
  Queen & Country (2022)
Other Short of Glory (1984)
  The Noonday Devil (1987)
  Tango (1989)
  The Devil's Own Work (1991)
  The Kaiser's Last Kiss (2003)
  Dancing With Eva (2007)
  Out of the Blue (2015)
  Slipstream (2016)