1884 - 1922

Writing as: George Bronson-Howard

According to a bio on IMDB: "American author, playwright, drama critic, journalist and war correspondent.

He served as an intelligence officer with the British Army during the First World War.

Reported on the Japanese-Russo War for the London Daily Chronicle."

Series Books
Yorke Norroy How Norroy Created a New Republic (1905)
  A Tilt with the Muscovite (1905)
  The Isle of St. Anthony (1905)
  The Eagle's Eyrie (1905)
  A Yankee Knight-Errant (1905)
  The Honor of the Ambassador (1905)
  The Friend of the Chief Executive (1905)
  For the Good of the State (1906)
  The Editor and the Diplomat (1906)
  A Prince for a Pawn (1906)
  On the Night of the Charity Ball (1906)
  By Aid of an Anachronism (1906)
  Norroy, Diplomatic Agent (1907)
  The Brotherhood of Suppression (1907)
  An Alias from Burke's (1907)
  The Return of Norroy (1908)
  The Witness (1911)
  The Code Book (1911)
  Further Chronicles of Norroy, Diplomatic Agent (1912)
  The Kidnapping of Norroy (1912)
  The Curio Collector (1912)
  The Green Plates (1912)
  Behind the Green Lamps (1913)
  The Secret Stairway (1913)
  The Greenhorn (1913)
  The Green Hour (1913)
  The Green Finch (1913)
  Slaves of the Lamp (1917)
  The Devil's Chaplain (1918)
  The Book of the Betrayers (1918)
  The Enemy to the Emperor (1918)
  The Bureau of Missing Articles (1918)
  His Country or His Life (1918)
  A Leaf from the Kaiser's Book (1918)
  The Black Book (1920)
  The Devil's Chaplain (1922)
  The Lady Of The Lost Garments (1923)