
Writing as: Graham Brown

According to his bio on his website, "Graham Brown grew up in Illinois, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, moving often with his family. As far as he knows they weren’t in the witness protection program or part of any top secret government agency – but then – would they really tell him?" He has worked as a pilot and a lawyer and then joined a health care start-up firm before trying his hand at yet another occupation, this time author. In addition to his own series, he co-authored books with the great Clive Cussler.

Series Books
Kurt Austin Devil's Gate (2011)
  The Storm (2012)
  Zero Hour (2013)
  Ghost Ship (2014)
  The Pharaoh's Secret (2016)
  Nighthawk (2017)
  The Rising Sea (2018)
  Sea of Greed (2018)
  Journey of the Pharoahs (2020)
  Fast Ice (2021)
  Dark Vector (2022)
  Condor's Fury (2023)
  Desolation Code (2024)
Laidlaw & Hawker Black Rain (2010)
  Black Sun (2010)
  The Eden Prophecy (2011)