Written by
Tom DeFalco (writer), Fernando Ruiz (pencils), Rich Koslowski (inks), Tom Chu (colors), Jack Morelli (letters)
A 4-part story published in Archie #610-613, August 2010 - 22 pages.
Part 1: The Blackest (And Bluest) Day - "Archie discovers that his older, lookalike cousin Andy is a secret agent and that his latest assignment is stopping Mad Doctor Doom from turning people into zombies."
Part 2: R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E. Disassembled - "Mad Doctor Doom completes his 'Walking Dazed' formula and tries it on captives Betty, Veronica and Pop Tate. It works exactly as planned, sapping the wills of his captives and making them his slaves. The next phase in the plan is to introduce the formula into the school lunch at Riverdale High. In addition, the criminals attack P.O.P. Headquarters with more of the formula. Archie, Chuck and Jughead arrive at the hidden POP spy base to give Andy a warning about Mad Doctor Doom when they are surrounded by 'Walking Dazed' zombies."
Part 3: The Crisis at Riverdale High - "Archie discovers that Mad Doctor Doom has spiked Ms. Beazley's soup with "Walking Dazed" formula, effective turning all the students and faculty into his zombies. Unbeknownst to Archie, Mad Doctor Doom has also introduced his formula into Pop Tate's food at the Chocklit Shop, just as Archie's parents decide to stop there for dinner."
Part 4: The Walking Dazed - "Mad Doctor Doom's "Walking Dazed" Formula Z has taken over the entire city of Riverdale. Now, the only thing standing between him and world domination are four teenagers: Archie, Jughead, Chuck and Reggie. And thanks to Jughead's discriminating tastebuds, the four also have a cure for the Mad Doctor's formula: Ms. Beazly's chicken noodle soup!"