The Man From R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E.
Written by
Frank Doyle (writer), Bill Vigoda (pencils), Mario Acquaviva (inks and letters)
Released 1966
Published in Life With Archie #45, January 1966 - 13 pages.
Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones are agents working for the W.P.A. going up against agents of C.R.U.S.H. That evil organization has sent an imposter to take the place of the Chief (aka Mr. Waverly) to send out coupons "to the wives of all the high government officials". The coupons are for 20ยข off Soggy Slop breakfast food, manufactured by C.R.U.S.H., which contains a brain wash drug such that "whoever eats it will become a C.R.U.S.H. agent".