Subtitled: A Nuclear Attack Avoided.
The year is 1983. "A mysterious excavation site on the Southern coast of Cuba, confusing information found in the personal effects of a Cuban soldado killed during the hostilities in Grenada, and intelligence on Russian subs that defies logic.
The CIA is convinced there is something major happening, but what? They ask ex-Swift boat commander Mike Cummins to bring his unique set of talents to this situation while acknowledging they can’t fully explain what’s going on nor can they project the degree of danger in play.
Twenty-plus years after the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs, the Russians continue to be embarrassed by their backing down. Now, everything is perfect: Fidel Castro is supportive and not going anywhere; Russia could easily financially afford to do it; and the military, tactical, and political repercussions overwhelmingly favored the Russians. They are ready to enact their revenge."