Coxeman29 Coxeman19 Coxeman17 Coxeman28 Coxeman26 Coxeman21 Coxeman32 Coxeman11 Coxeman30 Coxeman18 Coxeman25 Coxeman8 Coxeman1 Coxeman22 Coxeman7 Coxeman23 Coxeman5 Coxeman15 Coxeman3 Coxeman10 Coxeman12 Coxeman33 Coxeman6 Coxeman31 Coxeman16
Full Name: Rod Damon
Series Name: The Coxeman
Nationality: American
Organization: Coxe Foundation
Occupation Agent

Creator: Troy Conway
Time Span: 1967 - 1973


Rod Damon, the Coxeman, is an agent for a secret U.S. government agency.

Born in Wisconsin, Damon enjoyed a normal childhood and went on to college. At 21, he received his B.S. in Sociology before entering the service for a 3-year stint as a U.S. Army Intelligence officer. Graduate school came next but for the next few years, he was a grad student, struggling with the studies of Kinsey and getting nowhere, until he thought of a better approach.

Finding several willing co-eds and a few ancient manuals on sexual practices, Damon set about to recreate each activity in order to determine the 'emotional responses of contemporary collegians to practices of civilizations past.' Three months and a lot of fun later, he had enough material to finish his doctoral thesis. This research was published, became famous in academic circles, and the newly titled Dr. Damon was awarded a huge grant by a prominent research foundation to continue his excellent work.

That is how Rod Damon, now a professor of sociology at one of America's major university, became the founder and director of L.S.D., the League for Sexual Dynamics. This position gave Damon the chance to earn a good living and continue the constant research on sexuality that has been so important to him thus far.

Damon got his start as the Coxeman when he was railroaded into the espionage service by a threat of criminal prosecution. It seems that an eager college co-ed, happy to assist in the study of the 20 different positions of the Saluka Goddess of Love, was not the 18 Damon thought her but actually a finely developed 16 genius. It was working for the government or being a guest of it. Damon chose work.

The Coxeman title refers to his cover as a grantee of the Thaddeus X. Coxe Foundation, a cover organization for the ultra-secret American espionage group so clandestine that not even the CIA know about them.

Using this position as camouflage, Rod Damon is able to go just about anywhere to continue his studies into something done just about everywhere: sex.

Damon loves sex. He loves getting pleasure and he loves greatly giving pleasure. His knowledge of the history of the research this enjoyable activity is tremendous and fills the pages as he passes that learning on to the readers.

With all the research he personally does, it would be astronomical the number of little girl and boy Damons he would have produced if he had not been ethical enough at 25 to have himself fixed.

Though he is not 'loaded for bear', however, does not mean he is not ever-ready for action for Damon possesses a unique ability, or handicap, that makes him always able to answer the call for duty. What a hero!

6' tall and weighs 180 pounds. To help him survive his work with the League as well as staying alive during his Coxeman capers, he has maintained his body in tiptop shape and has even learned the tools of his new trade such as judo, karate, and savate as well as handling firearms.

Oh, as if the whole concept of the series isn't strange enough, the leader of the organization that Damon is forced to work with is never named. Instead, he is always referred to by the nickname given by Rod when they first met - Walrus-Moustache. Described as tall, thin, well groomed, and well-clothed, this head of the Coxe foundation appears in virtually every adventure. He is simply referred to as Walrus-Moustache due to his most prominent feature, the thin but long moustache he possesses.


Number of Books:34
First Appearance:1967
Last Appearance:1973

1 Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
aka The Berlin Wall Affair
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1967

A gang of former Nazis is planning to stage an attack on the Berlin Wall hoping to start a war between the super-powers.

2 The Big Freak-Out The Big Freak-Out
aka A Hard Act To Follow
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1968

The Big Head is a rich man backed by the Red Chinese in a plot to eliminate all those leaders in Washington by pouring a large quantity of LSP, LSD with the added kick of tremendous orgasms, into the water supply.

3 Billion Dollar Snatch Billion Dollar Snatch
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1968

28 very important people, each with his/her own special expertise, have been kidnapped. Then there was the theft of over one billion dollars. Behind it was the luscious Mala Nerona, proprietress of an exclusive hotel in Rome and a woman of insatiable appetite.

4 The Wham! Bam! Thank You, Ma'am Affair The Wham! Bam! Thank You, Ma'am Affair
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1968

The infamous Doctor Quintana was the leader of S.E.L.L., or the Secret Enemy of Liberty League, a group out to take over the world by freezing the various nations into submission through the science of cryology using a bevy of beautiful ladies.

5 It's Getting Harder All The Time It's Getting Harder All The Time
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1968

Rod Damon has been subcontracted to CHILLER, the all-female Red Chinese spy organization, to assist in the destruction of the ruling party of the African nation of Belgravia.

6 Come One, Come All Come One, Come All
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1968

When Red China introduces as the newest Olympic event the world's oldest and most favorite indoor sport, who better to represent the United States that the Coxeman? The propaganda potential is enormous.

7 Last Licks Last Licks
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1968

Rod Damon learns of the existance of mermen when he has to fight off two to save a beautiful woman's life. Walrus-moustache sends him to find out the secret process of turning normal humans into water-breathers.

8 Keep It Up, Rod! Keep It Up, Rod!
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1968

Tibet has been under the yolk of the Chinese for far too long. A band of rebels from the Ngari tribe is intent on throwing off the control of Peking and Rod Damon becomes totally involved without meaning to.

9 The Man-Eater The Man-Eater
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1968

Her name was Venus Flytrap and she was luring Coxemen into her snare. Three had so far fallen fatal victim to her allure and Walrus-moustache was worried that more would follow unless he could get Rod Damon to find a way to end her assault.

10 The Best Laid Plans The Best Laid Plans
Written by Gardner Fox
Copyright: 1969

The criminal group known as HECTATE has perfected the technology of tiny neuro-transmitters which, when place in a victim's body, could be programmed at any time to force that person to kill – either themselves or someone else.

11 It's What's Up Front That Counts It's What's Up Front That Counts
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1969

Country X has perfected such a powerful biological weapon that they dubbed it the B-Bomb and rated its power next to the A- and H-bombs. X, the U.S. and U.K. agree to share the secret but two of the U.K. team are being blackmailed.

12 Had Any Lately? Had Any Lately?
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1969

Something is up in Sarmania but it isn't the men folk. There has been an amazing drop in population in that tiny kingdom, ruled by a benevolent King Leo, over the past 5 years and the reason is simple. The men have no interest in sex. Damon must find out why.

13 Whatever Goes Up Whatever Goes Up
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1969

Rod didn't quite believe the flying beauties were truly real until they tried to blow him up. Suddenly he was convinced.

14 A Good Peace A Good Peace
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1969

Beautiful women with the most depraved ideas of fun were enticing men out of the Paris Peace Talks and into the bedrooms. Besides no work being done, the danger of the lasciviousness being reported on was growing quickly.

15 I'd Rather Fight Than Swish I'd Rather Fight Than Swish
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1969

A huge influx of secret agents into the United States has the Coxe Foundation concerned. On the surface they appear to be from the Soviet Union but the number is so high as be unwieldy. Rod Damon and some of his students at LSD are asked to help.

16 Just A Silly Millimeter Longer Just A Silly Millimeter Longer
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1969

The ruler of Mysapur, a region in northern India, bordering on the Himalayas, had invited Professor Damon to his province to engage in a contest over who truly knew the most about the pleasure of sex.

17 The Big Broad Jump The Big Broad Jump
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1969

Someone invented the silver pill, a small capsule with devastating results. Not only did this medicine enable men over 60 to be able to enjoy sex, it forced them! The leaders of the free world are all suddenly consumed with thoughts of nothing but sex.

18 The Sex Machine The Sex Machine
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1970

Rod has been challenged to test his 'skills' against the best that China can produce.

19 The Blow-Your-Mind Job The Blow-Your-Mind Job
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1970

A lost tribe of Amazon women has been discovered, one which has survived for generations without needing the help of men to procreate. If this secret were to be released to the general public, the days of man's role in the universe might be over forever.

20 The Cunning Linguist The Cunning Linguist
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1970

The Voice Of America has always prided itself with bringing the truth to nations all over the world without a free press themselves. Now, however, someone has managed to replace the normal signals with vitriolic words of hate and lies about the Soviet Union.

21 Will The Real Rod Please Stand Up? Will The Real Rod Please Stand Up?
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1970

Rod has started seeing double. First a beautiful woman turns out to be a fake when the real one shows up. Then it looks as though old Walrus-moustache has an exact twin. Finally, there is another Rod Damon running around getting the Professor into tons of trouble.

22 All Screwed Up All Screwed Up
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1970

Someone is wanting to turn Canada against all that it has believed in as a member of the Western powers. Since it is feared by this enemy that it would be Rod Damon that is sent to investigate, they choose to eliminate the threat by discrediting the great Coxeman.

23 The Master Baiter The Master Baiter
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1970

Rod Damon's gift is that he is insatiable and it has helped him survive many assignments. Now an influx of beautiful grad students seem to be draining him with maneuvers he has seldom seen before. Someone is setting him up by weakening him.

24 Turn The Other Sheik Turn The Other Sheik
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1970

The tiny Middle East kingdom of Kuaydan is the source of a considerable amount of petroleum sent to the West so it quite worrisome when the Soviet Union sends a large number of spies into that region. What they are up to is a mystery that the Coxe Foundation wants solved.

25 It's Not How Long You Make It It's Not How Long You Make It
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1970

One whiff of the strange aphrodisiac being concocted by the Red Chinese in the jungles of Cuba and the victim is driven into a sexual frenzy so strong and so long lasting that he or she cannot resist nor stop while life remains.

26 Son Of A Witch Son Of A Witch
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1971

Rod Damon has been a wizard in the world of sex but now comes a chance to vie for the title of World Warlock at a strange witches' convention. Walrus-moustache sends Damon to the activity to seek out someone leaking secrets from NATO.

27 The Penetrator The Penetrator
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1971

The Coxeman is to locate a missing British undercover agent in Moscos while also collecting vital information about the Russian hydrogen bomb program but someone called the Countess has other uses of his time.

28 A Stiff Proposition A Stiff Proposition
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1971

Rod Damon has finally met his match in the sensual Suzita Ramon, chief spy for the South American Republic of Trumbia. Accepting a challenge to go there to see who could outlast whom, Rod is utterly dismayed to find himself coming in second.

29 The Harder You Try, The Harder It Gets The Harder You Try, The Harder It Gets
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1971

Rod Damon's position as the top Coxeman is in jeopardy. On his latest assignment, collecting microdots from a bevy of beauties around Europe and the Middle East, he is joined by a new Coxeman named Peter Quick who is showing himself to be the new ace-in-the-hole for the Coxe Foundation

30 Up And Coming Up And Coming
Written by Gardner Fox
Copyright: 1972

It's hard to imagine any politician passing up a chance to visit the ultimate in pleasure palaces. The one in Rome, though, is taking photos of the enjoyment and the blackmail lines are forming fast.

31 The Cockeyed Cuties The Cockeyed Cuties
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1972

Damon is sent to India find a missing scientist who had created a horrible fungus capable of creating a tremendous famine. The Opposition has sent several sexy ladies to hamper the search and to take possession when it ends.

32 I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Thing I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Thing
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1973

When the mysterious millionaire invited Damon to Las Vegas to perform his great feats, he was interested. He was not the only one asked to come and show the 90+ year old voyeur the things they all were capable of in the field of sexology.

33 Eager Beaver Eager Beaver
Written by Troy Conway
Copyright: 1973

While in Japan, Damon is asked to use his amazing talents in sexology to help a young woman regain her mind. He begins to learn that what sent the girl into such a state was connected with a despicable tyrant out to make himself Shogun.

34 A Hard Man Is Good To Find A Hard Man Is Good To Find
Written by J. L. Bouma
Copyright: 1973

When the incredibly rich industrialist began to aid an incredibly smart inventor, the Coxe Foundation became intrigued, enough to hire an insider to spy on things. That insider is soon killed and the laboratory disappears.


Let's face it. A series written primarily with sex as the emphasis and adventure secondary is not going to win any awards. Furthermore, series written by different authors have a terrible time with continuity. So the Coxeman series has two major strikes against it at the beginning. It is, therefore, no surprise that the Coxeman does eventually strike out.

That's the bad news. The good news is that there are several of the books in the series that are quite good with thought-out plots and darn good writing. They are the exception, however. It is interesting that those books that are good have one main facet that the other authors, most notably Michael Avallone, seemed to ignore. If the sex comes as a part of the adventure, it can be titillating and fun. If the adventure comes as a sometime interlude between sexual bouts, it is usually a bore.


My Grade: D+

Your Average Grade:   A


timely19 A+ 4/19/2014 10:34:10 PM

If not for Avallone it wouldn't even get D+, but those by him are worth the effort.

A 2021-03-19

A perfect read for laid back enjoyment. Fun and original.

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