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Full Name: Jon Jericho
Series Name: Night of the Hunter
Codename: The Hunter
Nationality: American
Organization: Presidential Agent
Occupation Agent

Creator: Rick Jones
Time Span: 2016 - 2017


Jon Jericho is an agent for the American President.

When we first meet him, he is temporarily assigned to a Delta Force detachment, leading a mission in ISIS controlled area of northern Iraq to rescue a captured American journalist. The mission had gone according to plan, the hostiles were eliminated and the reporter freed. Then a 12-year-old zealot they had not counted on got off one shot at the evacuating Jericho, codenamed Hunter, and that bullet skirted the body armor and did considerable damage to Jericho's hip.

With his Special Forces career over and his having no desire to take up a desk job, Jericho opted to return to the States to be reunited with his girlfriend of several years, Justine Vickman, the Chief Medical Examiner for Washington, DC. Also playing a major role in Jericho's life is her son from a previous marriage, Micyl, a very special young boy with a severe case of autism.

It is from her thinking of him that we get a good idea of what he looks like. "She thought he was more 'cute' than handsome. He was tall, just north of six feet, with bottle-green eyes that were a much deeper shade of emerald. He was also a man who carried with him an inner strength that could not be seen nor heard--a presence of command that came off of Jon like something warm and alive, an aura."

His connection to the President and the subsequent offer of a special operations job for the White House might not have come had Vickman not run afoul, through her duties as medical examiner, of a very ambitious and unscrupulous individual, the details of which make up the first recorded adventure.

The offer that the Chief Executive would make to Jericho in the Oval Office was "to head a team of specialized people to do what it was you did as a Delta. You'd be working for the administration and under the guidance of the CIA and FBI directors, both on foreign and domestic situations. ... Though you'll get black-op directions about what needs to be done though the directors, you will work as an independent group with your own people. You will contact me directly on mission progress. You will work with other units, if necessary. You will be my eyes and ears."

The team that Jericho would put would be known as the Centurion Group.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2017

1 Night Of The Hunter Night Of The Hunter
Written by Rick Jones
Copyright: 2016

Newly released from Delta Force, Jon Jericho is back in the States where he becomes "caught up in a scandal involving the appropriation of documents for an undetectable state-of-the-art ICBM by the Islamic State". He learns that "the plans were appropriated by American and Israeli intelligence, and the proffered to the Islamic State". This discovery will make Jericho a target of principals in both organization, people who decide the Hunter must be hunted down and killed.
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2 The Black Key The Black Key
Written by Rick Jones
Copyright: 2017

Jon Jericho's newly established Centurion Group will have a major problem to solve, one that involves "rogue missiles fired off a U.S. naval warship" into North Korea, Air Force Two disappearing over the Rockies, and a secret extortion of the sitting President to "sacrifice your life for the good of the whole".
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3 Theater Of Operation Theater Of Operation
Written by Rick Jones
Copyright: 2017

The coup in Niger by ISIL forces is newsworthy enough. It becomes a matter for Jon Jericho and his Centurion Group because "deep inside the sublevel of a defunct hospital [there] is the key to annihilation. It is a secret known only to the members of the ISIL regime and the Iran Ministry of Intelligence." Jericho and his men must head into enemy territory, breach a heavily guarded facility, and learn what that secret is.
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This three-adventure series from a half decade ago is an exciting action-packed (with a good deal of overflow) set of near impossible missions which Jon Jericho and his people pull off after a whole lot of mayhem.

This is far more military action than actual spy work but it still falls within the parameters of what fits this compendium so here it is.

I found it very interesting, and compelling the way that the author ended the series. He could have kept it going because there is no end of bad guys out there to go up against with new ones popping up all the time.


My Grade: B


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