Writing as: G. J. Stevens

According to the bio on his website: "GJ Stevens started writing fiction at the age of thirty. Even as an engineer with a large family and a full time career with plenty of adult responsibilities, he has always had a creative side. After years of self-suppression, the flood gates opened and his novel In The End is the culmination of many years of finding time from nowhere to learn the craft.

Whilst working to independently publish and make a success of his novels, Gareth lays bare his publishing journey through his blog, drawing together advice and knowledge from those already in the industry. 

As a lover of the outdoors, every year he spends weekends out in the desolate countryside of the UK hiking and camping with his long-time friends which he uses as inspiration for both his creative fiction works and the subject of many a blog post. GJ Stevens is on the beginning of his publishing journey and wants to share the highs and lows with anyone who will listen."

Series Books
Carrie Harris Operation Dawn Wolf (2019)
  Lessons Learned (2020)
  Capital Action (ss) (2020)
  The Gemini Assignment (2021)
  Stopping Power (ss) (2022)
  Out of the Blue (ss) (2022)
  Harm's Way (ss) (2022)