Writing as: Ted Peters

According to the bio on his website: "Author

Ted has authored, co-authored, edited, and co-edited more than two dozen books. The topics range from sin and evil to the future of God and to points where science and religion clash and cooperate. Translations have appeared in Korean, Chinese, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Indonesian Bahassa. His scholarly task is to subject culture to theological analysis, to uncover hidden spiritual dimensions behind secular language and secular thinking. His new venture as an author is a series of espionage thrillers with an enigmatic heroine, Leona Foxx.


From 1993 to 2007 Ted served as editor-in-chief for Dialog, A Journal of Theology. Along with Robert John Russell he founded the journal, Theology and Science, and continues as co-editor. He has also served as “Science and Religion” editor for Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Volumes IV-VIII, and for the Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd edition, 2005.


For three decades Ted has taught systematic theology and ethics in Berkeley at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, the Graduate Theological Union, the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, and eco-ethics at the University of California at Berkeley.


Ted is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Ted is serving as Interim Pastor of Cross and Crown Lutheran Church and School.

Ted just celebrated his 50th Ordination Anniversary on April 26, 2020."

Series Books
Leona Foxx For God And Country (2013)
  Cyrus Twelve (2018)
  Shooter (ss) (2018)
  The Moon Turns To Blood (2019)